Homework -- all third grade


Sci . study all voc. and pre-tests. test tomorrow

Soc. St. Project due Thursday. check out google classroom for more information and project

Class codes to get on google classroom. 3A is 56f7ofo 3B is vf6q4ye 3C is degza61

Head phones needed for Spanish All study sheets can be found on google classroom


(go to pages on the right here, click on more study hints)

PLEASE LOOK BELOW FOR STUDY SKILLS (and there are more study skills if you click on the page where it says more study skills, look under pages.

Children must have a folder for my class. This is different from their everyday folder that they bring home. Children also must have a wipe off marker.

Gym is Monday / Science lab is Tuesday/ Wednesday is Art / Computers is Thursday

To get hot lunch on Wednesday, you must pay on Tues.

If you would like to donate any yarn you may have and not using, I would appreciate you sending it in.

Scholastic code is J7CBX

CHECK OUT THE STUDY SKILLS BELOW AND THE OTHER PAGE+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ a

The key to success is to be organized. A binder clip for the homework books would help your child

Study Hints:

Have children say their notes out loud and record them. Play it while getting dressed. (if you hear something once in a month there is a 90% chance that you will forget it. If you hear it 6 times a month there is a 90% chance that you will remember it.

When doing homework, do the hard subjects first and then take a five minute break, come back and do the next hardest subject. Save the easy subject for last. (this is when your energy is the lowest)

Review before you go to bed.

Remove as many distractions as possible to increase concentration ( including sight and sound distractions ).

Have everything within arms reach. create a desk organizer

out of a shoe box for supplies needed while doing homework )

75%of out time is spent studying things we all ready know. Why not study what you do not know. Use index cards. Put the word on the front and the definition on the back. (person/what he did: symbol/what it stands for)

Shuffle and separate. Study the ones you did not know.

Cut index cards into different shapes. -- this works anytime you have things in groups or categories. ex: respiratory system, circulatory system. Maybe the size, shape or color will help you remember the material.

For items that you find especially difficult, study in a different place.

More study hint on another page