
Spring 2025

January 31 | Patrick Kinchsular (NYU) 

February 7 | Daniel Greeson (Stony Brook)

February 21 | William Oliver (Stony Brook)

February 28 | John David Storment (Stony Brook)

March 7 | Keely New (MIT)

March 14 | Neil Myler (BU)

March 21 | Satoru Ozaki (UMass)

April 4 | Kyle Jerro (SDSU)

April 18 | Hagay Schurr (CUNY)

April 25 | María Cristina Cuervo (UofT)

May 2 | Linghui (Eva) Gan (UConn)


February 2 | Maria Kouneli ( Rutgers University)

Movement asymmetries in external possession as a diagnostic for possessor raising

February 16 | Peter Grishin (MIT)

Clause size, wh movement, and long-distance agreement in Passamaquoddy-Wolastoqey.

February 23 | Ruth Kramer (Georgetown University)

Discontinuous agreement and haplology: evidence from Amharic imperatives

March 1 | Ka Fai YiP  (Yale University)

Biclausal multidominant syntax of right dislocation in Chinese: a unified approach

March 8 | Penelope  Daniel (UCONN)

Completive todo: Implications for Possessives, Existentials, and Locative Expressions 

March 29 | Rebecca Jarvis (Uc Berkeley)

The source(s) of movement-derived resumptive pronouns: Two asymmetries in Atchan

April 5 | Asia Pietraszko (University of Rochester)

Clause internal phase and successive cyclic A-movement

April 19 | Yosho Miyata(Umass Amherst)

Cyclic Prosodification in Japanese

September 20| Soo-Hwan Lee(UPenn)

No escape from syntax: Evidence from Gĩkũyũ subject nominalizations 

September 27| Lex Tavenier (Utrecht University)

Unifying manner adverbials: Dutch present participles

October 25 | Richard Kayne (NYU)

The DP-Internal Origin of Datives

November 1 | Daniar Kasenov (NYU)

Pseudo-ABA, non-local allomorphy, and word-internal phrasal movement

November 8 | Alec Marantz (NYU)

What’s a Direct Object?

November 15 | Friederike Moltmann (CNRS)

Stative Verbs and Lexical Decomposition

November  22 | Aidan Malanoski  (CUNY)

Two proposals for restricting externalization

December 6  | Nikos Angelopoulos  (CNRS)

On clausal complementation, once more


December 8 | Matthew Hewett ( Georgetown University)

The precedence component to intervention effects: Evidence from English passives.

December 1 | Johanna Benz (UPenn)

The content reading in German nominalizations

November 3 | Phoevos Panagiotidis (University of Cyprus)

On roots, and why we care

October 27 Kenyon Branan (Goettingen University)

Syntax-phonology interactions and the Left Edge Ban

October 20 | Carolina Fraga (CUNY)

Completive todo: Implications for Possessives, Existentials, and Locative Expressions 

October 6 | Adrian Stegovec (University of Connecticut)

Short scrambling as smuggling: The argument from Slovenian ditransitives

September 29| Kenneth Hanson  (Stony Brook University)

A Computational Perspective on the Typology of Agreement

April 7 | Sandhya Sundaresan (Stony Brook University)

RELATE-ing replicative & non-replicative processes in syntax

March 31 | Gillian Ramchand (Univ. of Tromsø)

The Roots of Extended Projection: The Syn-Sem Interface and the role of the Lexicon

March 24 | Sreekar Raghotham (Rutgers University)

Verbal Reflexivity in Telugu

March 3 | Kimberley Baxter (NYU)

Complementizer-Trace Effects in Jamaican Patois

Feb 24 | Shannon Bryant (Rutgers University)

Clausal complementation: the view from Oromo

Feb 17 | Andrew McInnerney (Univ. of Michigan)

Prepositional phrases in an adjunction-free syntax

Feb 10 | Elise Newman (Univ. of Edinburgh)

Structure-building in the verbal domain


Dec 9 | Dan Brodkin (UCSC)

Prosodic Greed

Dec 2 | Dan Milway (UToronto)

A critical assessment of Agree

Nov 18 | Lefteris Paparounas (UPenn)

Reflexivity and external argument introduction in Greek

Nov 11 | Thomas Graf (Stony Brook University)

Syntactic tiers: Empirical applications and challenges

Nov 4 | Andy Murphy (Univ. of Chicago)

Multiple Left-Branch Extraction revisited

Oct 21 | Luisa Seguin (Univ. of Maryland)

Decomposing A’-movement: on clause internal wh-words and foci in Valdôtain Patois

Oct 14 | Ivona Kučerová (McMaster University)

On selective probes: Agreement asymmetries arise from the order of Merge and Agree (joint work with Alan Munn)

Sept 23 | Chris Collins (NYU)

Principles of Argument Structure: A Merge‐Based Approach

April 22 | Kate Mooney (NYU)

Morphological doubling via locality

April 15 | Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Voice syncretism cross-linguistically

April 1 | Heejeong Ko (SNU)

Postverbal adjuncts as post-syntactic Late Merge

Mar 25 | Ksenia Ershova (Stanford)

Contextually determined islandhood and constraints on possessor extraction in West Circassian

Mar 11 | Hagen Blix (NYU)

Number-based noun classification as an interface legibility condition: The case of Kipsigis

Feb 25 | Tanya Bondarenko (MIT)

Two paths to clausal embedding

Feb 18 | Karlos Arregi (Univ. of Chicago)

PCC effects with subject and object marking: Washo, Aleut, and beyond

Feb 11 | Carol Rose Little (Univ. of Oklahoma)

On external possession and remnant movement


Dec 10 | Omer Preminger (Univ. of Maryland)

Against terminal-centrism in the mappings from syntax to its interfaces

Nov 12 | Erik Zyman (Univ. of Chicago)

Covert A-movement out of Coordinate Structures

Nov 12 | Zhuoye Zhao (NYU):

Particle-verb constructions and the Head-Final Filter

Nov 5| Alec Marantz (NYU)

What if Head Movement/Morphological Merger/Incorporation did not Change Grammatical Relations? What if Extended Projections were only Launched from Roots?

Oct 22 | Ka-Fai Yip (Yale):

Universal concord as syntactic agreement

Oct 15 | Neil Banerjee (Amazon):

An indivisible portmanteau and the nature of phrasal ellipsis

Oct 8 | Tal Linzen (NYU):

Inductive biases for the acquisition of syntactic transformations in neural networks: an interim update

May 14 | Milena Šereikaitė (Yale) & Einar Freyr Sigurðsson (Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies):

The dual face of structural object case: on Lithuanian genitive of negation

April 30 | Sarah Asinari (UConn):

Multiple Quantifier Float in Philadelphian Irish English

April 16 | Selikem Gotah (NYU):

Relative Clauses in Tongugbe

April 2 | Guy Tabachnick (NYU):

Second-Position Clitics in Czech Infinitival Clauses

Mar 26 | Dylan Tsai (NTHU):

Wh and Self: On Correlating Wh-conditionals and Reflexive Doubling

Mar 12 | Naomi Lee (NYU):

Learning (im)possible number syncretisms: investigating innate featural representations

Feb 26 | Bronwyn Bjorkman (Queen's University):

How syntax tries to avoid conflict, and morphology (sometimes) resolves it

Jan 29 | Faruk Akkuş (UPenn):

On the (non)-relation between C and T


Nov 20 |  Emily Hanink (Manchester):

Motivating PossP in Washo subject nominalizations

Nov 13 |  Ivy Sichel (UC Santa Cruz):

The featural life of nominals

Oct 23 | Laura Grestenberger (Vienna):

Periphrastic constructions and the structure of participles

Oct 9 | Christopher Hammerly (UMN):

Deriving person-based prominence effects: A set-based theory of AGREE 

Oct 2 | Soo-Hwan Lee & Yining Nie (NYU):

Case stacking and honorifics in Korean  

May 1 | Imke Driemel & Maria Kouneli (Leipzig):

Say complementation and Agreement in Kipsigis 

April 24 | Danfeng Wu (MIT):

Why *if or not but ✓whether or not  

April 17 | Michael Barrie (Sogang):

Variation in Agreement and PNI in Blackfoot (joint work with Kyumin Kim and Moonhyun Sung)

April 10 | Itamar Kastner (Edinburgh):

'Everywhere' in the world quantifies over individuals (joint work with Benjamin Lowell-Sluckin)

Mar 6 | Jordan Kodner (UPenn):

Acquiring the Latin Past Participles and 't-Deverbals'

Feb 28 | Tysean Bucknor (CUNY):

Retention of Lower-Copy Adjectives in Belizean Creole How-Phrases

Feb 21 | Mariia Privizentseva (Leipzig, visiting UMass Amherst):

Nominal ellipsis reveals concord in Moksha Mordvin

Jan 30 | Amy Rose Deal (UC Berkeley):

Uncentered attitude reports


Dec 13 | Alex Warstadt (NYU):

Discovering Structure: Can neural networks acquire a bias for structural generalizations?

Nov 22 | Jason Kandybowicz (CUNY):

Diagnosing (Non)restrictivity in Ikpana and Shupamem Relative Clauses

Nov 15 | Yining Nie (NYU):

The limits of applicative recursion

Nov 8 | Soo-Hwan Lee (NYU):

Swahili locatives and post-syntactic operations

Nov 1 | Stanislao Zompi (MIT): 

On some interactions between verb movement and clitic ordering

Oct 18 | Hagen Blix (NYU):

The Size of Complex Prefields: The Case Against Structure Removal

Oct 4 | Richie Kayne (NYU): 

On Complementizers and Relative Pronouns in Germanic vs. Romance

May 3 | Friederike Moltmann (CNRS):

The Core-Periphery Distinction in Syntax, Semantics, and Natural Language Ontology

April 26 | Deepak Alok (Rutgers): 

The Morpho-Syntax of Addressee agreement and indexical shift in Magahi

April 19 | Paula Fenger (UConn): 

Words within words: The internal syntax of verbs

March 15 | Maria Kouneli (NYU):

Determiner spreading and modification in Kipsigis

March 1 | Philipp Shushurin (NYU): 

External possessors in Russian: an applicative account

Feb 22 | Lefteris Paparounas (UPenn): 

Indefinite null objects in Greek: distinguishing between weakly equivalent ellipses (joint work with Ioanna Sitaridou)

Feb 15 | Yining Nie (NYU): 

Raising applicatives in Tagalog

Feb 1 | Faruk Akkuş (UPenn): 

"Variable" embedded agent in Sason Arabic


Dec 14 | Richard Kayne (NYU): 

The Syntax of Suppletion

Dec 7 | Gary Thoms (NYU): 

The curious development of have-raising (joint work with David Adger, Caroline Heycock and Jennifer Smith)

Nov 30 | Laura Kalin & Byron Ahn (Princeton): 

Breaking ‘Ourselves’ Down: The Morphosyntax of English Reflexive Anaphors

Nov 16 | Matt Tyler (Yale): 

Characterizing the causative alternation in Choctaw

Nov 9 | Zuzanna Fuchs (Harvard): 

Gender on n in Bantu DP Structure, from root-derived nominals to locatives (joint work with Jenneke van der Wal)

Oct 26 | Melanie Hobich (Goethe Univ. Frankfurt, visiting UPenn): 

A diachronic perspective on 'was für'

Oct 12 | Ryan Hearn (Cornell): 

Evidence from innovation: Reconstructing disharmonic headedness for Proto-Indo-European

Sep 28 | Karoliina Lohiniva (NYU): 

Two strategies for forming unconditionals: Evidence from disjunction

Apr 27 | Hongchen Wu (Stony Brook): 

Topicality and quantifier scope in Mandarin

Apr 20 | Ümit Atlamaz (Rutgers): 

Agreement with Case-marked Nominals

Apr 13 | Sze-Wing Tang (CUHK/MIT): 

A Cartography Analysis of the Clausal Periphery

Mar 30 | Yining Nie (NYU): 

Possessor raising and adversity in Tagalog

Mar 23 | Alec Sugar (UW): 

Verb-Linking Patterns in Uyghur

Feb 23 | Maria Kouneli (NYU): 

Does Kipsigis have adjectives?


Dec 8 | Juliet Stanton (NYU): 

Antipronominality effects and other divisions among A’-extractions

Dec 1 | Ailis Cournane (NYU): 

On how to link child functional omissions to upwards reanalysis

Nov 3 | So Young Lee (Stony Brook): 

Wh-island in wh-in situ languages

Oct 27 | Dan Duncan (NYU): 

Spell-Out as the locus of syntactic variation

Oct 20 | Leland Kusmer (UMass): 

Extraction from coordination in Khoekhoegowab

Oct 13 | Stephanie Harves (NYU): 

Silent GO in Slavic

Sep 15 | Kensuke Takita (Meikai): 

Voice-Mismatches under N’-Deletion in Japanese

Sep 15 | Vera Zu (NYU): 

Disentangling De Se

Apr 21 | Kunio Kinjo (Rutgers): 

Agree by minimal search: A probe-free model of agreement

Apr 14 | Abdul-Razak Sulemana (MIT): 

Q-particles and the nature of Covert movement: evidence from Bùlì

Mar 10 | Dunja Veselinovic (NYU): 

Parameters of syntax of must and can (and how they must and can affect language acquisition)


Dec 9 | Ian Roberts (Cambridge/UConn): 

The Null Subject Parameter in the 21st Century

Dec 9 | Matt Barros (Yale): 

Discourse Domains and Syntactic Phases: A Constraint on Multiple Sluicing

Dec 2 | Hadas Kotek (Yale): 

Unifying definite and indefinite free relatives: Evidence from Mayan (joint work with Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine)

Nov 18 | Laura Kalin (Princeton): 

A new model of nominal licensing

Nov 4 | Ken Hiraiwa (Meiji Gakuin/MIT): 

Decomposing Indeterminates and Composing Indefinite Pronouns

Oct 7 | Maria Kouneli (NYU): 

The morphological expression of nominal number in Kalenjin

Sep 30 | Anna Maria Di Sciullo (UQAM/NYU): 

On the pronunciation/silence of certain prepositions in Italian

Sep 23 | Chris Collins (NYU): 

The Khoisan Languages of Botswana

Sep 16 | Kensuke Takita (Meikai/UConn): 

Labeling for Linearization

May 16 | Ivona Kučerová (McMaster): 

The rise and fall of nominatives

Apr 8 | Yohei Oseki (NYU): 

Primitive Functional Elements of Argument Structure

Apr 1 | Yuta Sakamoto (UConn): 

Clausal Complement Anaphora in Japanese: Deep or Surface?

Mar 25 | Steven Foley (UCSC): 

Morphological conspiracies in Georgian agreement 

Mar 11 | Tricia Irwin (UPenn): 

Verb vs. structure: Who's the boss?

Jan 29 | Chris Tancredi (Keio University): 

Contrastive Topic, Focus and Givenness


Dec 11 | Dustin Alfonso Chacon (NYU): 

That-trace effect and explanatory adequacy

Nov 13 | Dunja Veselinović (NYU): 

Concord Failures: Defective intervention in the nominal domain

Nov 6 | Adina Williams (NYU): 

A Cartographic Approach to the Syntax of the Mandarin Locative Preposition ZAI

Oct 30 | Ian Roberts (Cambridge): 

A parameter hierarchy for passives (joint work with Michelle Sheehan (Anglia Ruskin University))

Oct 30 | Isaac Bleaman (NYU): 

Predicate fronting in Yiddish and conditions on multiple Spell-Out

Oct 23 | Richard Kayne (NYU): 

English for as a wh-phrase

Oct 2 | Vera Zu (NYU): 

Competition and Obviation from French to Newari

Sept 25 | Andrew Murphy (Leipzig): 

What can tone tell us about successive-cyclic movement? (joint work with Sampson Korsah)

Sept 18 | Kensuke Takita (Meikai): 

On Null Clausal Arguments in Japanese

Sept 11 | Mark Baltin (NYU): 

Syntactic Versus Semantic Explanations

May 1 | Judy Bernstein (William Paterson): 

The expression of case across English demonstrative forms

Apr 24 | Omer Preminger (UMD): 

Upwards and onwards: On the direction of valuation in phi-feature agreement (joint work with Maria Polinsky)

Apr 17 | Friederike Moltmann (CNRS): 

Modals as Predicates of Modal Objects

Apr 10 | Yuta Sakamoto (UConn): 

Argument Ellipsis versus Pro: No Simple Dichotomy

Mar 12 | Neil Myler (BU): 

A long, hard look into the Mirror

Mar 6 | Paul Bassong (Univ of Yaounde I, Rutgers): 

Sluicing and Frunctional Heads in Bantu (joint work with Edmond Biloa)

Feb 20 | Jim Wood (Yale): 

Accusative subjects are special

Feb 13 | Isabelle Charnavel (Harvard): 

Point of View on Condition A

Feb 6 | Sabina Matyiku (Yale): 

Negative auxiliary inversion as an instance of overt quantifier raising

Jan 30 | Chris Collins (NYU): 

On the Typology of Nominal NPIs (joint work with Paul Postal and Elvis Yevudey)

Jan 30 | Lotte Hendriks (Meertens Instituut): 

Knowledge of verb clusters (joint work with Sjef Barbiers and Hans Bennis)


Dec 12 | Heidi Klockmann (Utrecht, UiL-OTS): 

Inherent case as a PP-case

Dec 12 | Greg Johnson (CUNY, CSI): 

Liketa: Restructuring in Appalachian English

Dec 5 | Vera Zu (NYU): 

Word Order and the Typology of Non-Local Dependencies

Nov 21 | Raffaella Zanuttini (Yale): 

Here’s a puzzle: ecco

Nov 14 | Tricia Irwin (UPenn): 

How does 'a man' become 'the man'? Argument structure and existential propositions at the syntax-discourse interface

Oct 24 | Neda Todorovic (UConn): 

TP or not TP: On the presence of TP in an aspectually rich language

Oct 10 | Jason Kandybowicz (KU): 

There’s No Wrong Way to Front a Predicate (in Krachi)

Sept 19 | Lucas Champollion (NYU): 

Putting events into your trees

Sept 12 | Itamar Kastner & Vera Zu (NYU): 

The Syntax of Paradigm Gaps

May 2 | Marcel den Dikken (CUNY GC): 

The attractions of agreement

Apr 30 | Jaklin Kornfilt (Syracuse): 

Similarities and differences between N-complement and Relative Clause constructions in two Turkic languages

Apr 11 | Rahul Balusu (EFLU Hyderabad): 

The overt predicator -gaa in Telugu

Apr 11 | Liliana Sánchez (Rutgers): 

Differences between the left and the right periphery in Southern Quechua

Apr 4 | Andrei Antonenko (Stony Brook): 

Binding theory and feature valuation

Mar 28 | Francisco Ordóñez (Stony Brook): 

Differential Object Marking and Differential Clitic Marking

Mar 7 | Tom Leu (UQAM): 

Metamorphology: Comparative morph-ology

Feb 28 | Christina Tortora (CUNY, CSI): 

Evidence for the non-finiteness of English "present" and "past" verb forms

Feb 26 | Yohei Oseki (NYU): 

Eliminating Pair-Merge

Feb 21 | Jon Nissenbaum (Brooklyn College): 

Purpose clauses, adjectival passives and un-prefixation

Feb 7 | Francisco Ordóñez & Lori Repetti (Stony Brook): 

Clitics of Romance Languages (CRL) database

Jan 31 | Heather Burnett (Montreal): 

Diachronic Investigations into Compositional Semantics: The Rise and Fall of Resultative Secondary Predication Constructions in the History of French


Dec 6 | Neil Myler (NYU): 

Predicative Possession via Predicativization of the Possessee

Nov 12 | Sjef Barbiers (Meertens Instituut): 

Landing sites and stranding sites

Nov 8 | Thomas Graf (Stony Brook): 

Optionality Implies Islandhood

Oct 24 | Phoevos Panagiotidis (Cyprus): 

Are nouns the default lexical category?

Oct 11 | Richard S. Kayne (NYU): 

The Silence of Projecting Heads  

Oct 4 | Edwin Williams (Princeton): 

The Syntax-Semantics Correspondence

Sept 27 | Helen Koulidobrova (Central Connecticut State University): 

Elide me bare: null arguments (and related phenomena) in American Sign Language

Sept 6 | Itamar Kastner (NYU): 

Factivity Puzzles without Factivity

May 10 | Friederike Moltmann (Paris/NYU): 

Proper Names, Sortals, and the Mass-Count Distinction

May 3 | Steven Foley (NYU): 

Relative Clauses in Georgian

Apr 26 | Coppe van Urk (MIT): 

On case alternations in Dinka

Apr 19 | Moreno Mitrovic (Cambridge): 

The composition of logical constants

Apr 12 | Thomas Grano (UMD): 

Verb meaning, restructuring, and the grammar of complement control

Mar 15 | Inna Livitz (NYU): 

Optionally null: Control into finite and infinitival clauses in Russian

Mar 1 | Gary Thoms (Edinburgh): 

Predicate movement and the linearization of chains


Nov 16 | Ane Odria (University of the Basque Country/NYU): 

Differential Object Marking and Object Case/Agreement Checking in Basque Dialects

Nov 9 | Stephanie Harves and Neil Myler (NYU): 

Licensing NPIs and Licensing Silence: the case of have/be yet to in English

Oct 26 | Arhonto Terzi (Institute of Patras): 

Licensing Silent Structure: The Spatial Prepositions of Shupamem

Oct 12 | Gísli Har∂arson (UConn): 

Layercake- Cyclic domains and semantic hierarchies in Icelandic compounds

Apr 27 | Ruth Brillman (NYU): 

Decomposing Alternations: The case of have, want and need

Apr 6 | Ruth Kramer (Georgetown): 

The Morphosyntax of Gender: Evidence from Amharic

Mar 23 | Meera Saeed Al Kaabi (NYU): 

Rethinking templates: evidence from the Emirati Arabic verbal templates

Mar 19 | Jessica Coon (McGill): 

The Role of Case in A-Bar Extraction Asymmetries: Evidence from Mayan

Mar 2 | Jeffrey Watumull (Cambridge/MIT): 

The Computability and Complexity of Generativity

Feb 10 | Omer Preminger (Harvard/MIT): 

Agreement in Kichean and Zulu: Filtration vs. Strict Generativity

Feb 3 | Jim Wood (NYU):

Icelandic Figure Reflexives and the Role of Anticausative Morphology


Dec 7 | Ur Shlonsky: 

Why is "John wonders Mary saw who" ungrammatical in French, while "John thinks Mary saw who?" is not?

Dec 2 | David Basilico: 

The Antipassive and Manner/Result Interpretations

Nov 4 | Ane Berro-Urrizelki: 

Subject Case Variation And Auxiliary Alternation In Basque

Oct 21 | Jorge López Cortina: 

Answers are not (exactly) Focus: Questions about the Spanish Left Periphery

Oct 20 | Pierre Pica: 

Numbers as a test case for the I-language E-language connection

Oct 14 | Neil Myler (NYU): 

"Word"-internal Phrasal Movement, Spell Out and Exceptions to the Mirror Principle

Sept 23 | Mark Baltin & Jim Wood (NYU): 

FROM and AWAY: Two Types of Null Elements and Some Thoughts: On How Children Would Learn the Difference