Boutthavong Saykham (ສາຍຄຳ ບຸດທະວົງ)


Deputy Head, Department of Watershed and Land Management, Faculty of Forest Sciences (FFS), National University of Laos (NUOL)



Apr. 2017 –Present

o Support curriculum development, assessment and updating; department planning and cooperation; facilitate teaching manual development and revising; advise master students, and undergraduate students to conduct research and thesis writing, etc.

o Lecture for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Fundamental Environmental Study, Land Administration, etc.

Dec. 2016 –Dec. 2019

o Project Manager for “Integrated Approaches for Community-based Participatory Forest Biomass Assessment and Monitoring (LAO/SGP/0P5/Y6/STAR/LD&FM/2016/05)”, Providing capacity building, develop project plans and reports, support community in carrying out forest inventory, bio-char & bio-compost producing, forest rehabilitation, ect).

Feb. 2009 –Sep. 2012

o Assistant to Dean and Vice Dean, preparing faculty’s official documents, served for secretary office, planning and international cooperation office, etc.

o Lectured for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Fundamental Environmental Study, Land Use Planning, and Climatology and Hydrology Courses

o Served for the Faculty Programme Level under Human Resource Development Program of NUOL-Sida Collaboration Project. Supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

Jan. 2011-Mar. 2015

o Served for “Community Carbon Accounting Action Research Project in Lao PDR”. Supported by the Institute for Global Strategies (IGES), Japan; Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), and the Ministry of the Environment, Japan.

Oct. 2004 –Aug. 2006

o Assistant to Dean and Vice Dean, preparing faculty’s official documents, served for secretary office.

o Instructor of higher diploma’s students on Fundamental Environmental Study, and Climatology and Hydrology Courses.

o Assistant to project coordinator for the Faculty Programme Level under Human Resource Development Program of NUOL-Sida Collaboration Project. Supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)


National Steering Committee (NSC); UNDP, WREA/ MONRE, Lao PDR: Served as a Core-Member in the National Steering Committee (NSC) of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), the Small Grants Program (GEF/SGP)for the Operational Phase 4 & Phase 5 [Oct. 2009-Sep. 2012]

: (1) Provided overall guidance and direction to the country programme, including the development, implementation and periodic revision of the country programme strategy and adaptation of global policies and criteria to country circumstances; (2) Responsible in selecting and approving projects and for ensuring their technical and substantive quality, and (3) Participated in pre and post selection site visits and provide assistance on project formulation and in monitoring and evaluation activities.

National Steering Committee (NSC); WREA/ MONRE, Lao PDR: Served as a Core-Member in the National Steering Committee (NSC) of the “Piloting Integrated Process and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions (FNR_RIO)” GFL/3707 [Mar. 2010-Sep. 2012]

Reviewed, discussed and provided recommendations on: annual operational plans, surveys and assessments tools including proposals for demonstration activities, and monitoring and evaluation indicators and criteria, and etc.