
Yellow Geometry Text Book 

Welcome to my attempt in creating and maintaining a webpage.  The plan is to have this as your one stop shop for all your math needs.  I plan on keeping this up to date with all handouts, assignments, class postings and class calendars.  If you have any suggestions hit me up via email.  Once the Management Plans have been covered, you can also text me.  To avoid having creepers contacting me, I've decided to keep my cell off the website and I will give my cell number to students with the management plans in class.  If your child "loses" this you can print up a new management plan from week two and email me to get my number.

Contact Info:

Room - 213

Email - eraco@nhusd.k12.ca.us

School Phone: (510) 471-2520 (ext. 60347) 


For all students that would like a more personalized tutoring experience, Mr. Prucha is offering a mentor program that may help.  Click here to inquire further.

If you have been transferred to Ms. Che's class use this link for her website.

Curious about your grade or your daughter's/son's grade:

Student Connect

Parent Connect

Last year I tried to keep grades current within 2 weeks.

Student Handbook 2017-2018