Mr. Williamson's World of Literature

Welcome to Mr. Williamson's English Language Arts 

Teacher Webpage!

Thanks For Taking The Time To Visit.



MY NUMBER IS (910) 350-2089, EXT. 73517


Welcome to Mr. Williamson's English & Creative Writing Webpage!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my teacher website. Most everything you need can be found on this page. Below, you will find my virtual classroom, which includes several links that will be useful for my students and parents. Take a tour, and don't hesitate to contact me with any questions. 

-- Mr. James Dale Williamson


Hey, English 1 Crew!

Here is a copy of the final exam schedule that we discussed in class today. Our exam is a teacher-made exam, so here is our schedule for our final exam:

Overview of English 1, Creative Writing, and Laney High School

Note to Students, Parents, and Guardians:

My teacher website provides an overview of the classes that I teach, as well as Laney High School. For more specific details about assignments and due dates, students need to go to Canvas. I will update Canvas weekly. The virtual classroom below has useful links, so take a few minutes and explore what my classes and Laney High are all about. 

-- James Dale Williamson

Williamson Virtual Classroom
Supply List

English 1 Curriculum & Instruction

For our English 1 classes, we will be focusing on literature and themes from the county-approved MyPerspectives textbook. Each English 1 student will be given their own copy of the MyPerspective textbook. This is an interactive textbook that students can write in as we read various texts from it. In addition to the printed text, students will have access the a digital version of the book on Canvas.  To view details about the instructional goals, themes, and pacing for our English 1 course, click HERE

Dear Parent/Guardian:

This year in English and Creative Writing classes, your student will be reading literature, both fiction and non-fiction, to meet the key requirements of the Common Core State Standards for college and career readiness. A central goal of the English Department at Laney High School is to establish a reading habit and enjoyment of reading in the busy, hyper-connected lives of teenagers. We also aim to teach our students how to critically analyze literature and its place in the world. 

Great works of literature not only entertain us but also challenge our beliefs, allow us to experience the lives of others, and make us feel validated in an often isolating world. Books are a safe place to experience tragedy, loss, fears, and life-changing experiences without actually affecting our lives.It may even help the reader make better choices in life.

Reading has tremendous benefits: mental stimulation - reading keeps the mind active & strengthens analytical thinking; stress reduction – reading can be a form of escape and senior year is very stressful; knowledge – something that can never be taken away from you; vocabulary – exposure to new words which end up in your everyday vocabulary; improves focus, concentration, writing skills, and stamina (essential for college); entertainment – free, portable, shareable entertainment that stimulates the mind! 

Please know that anything we read for either English 1 or Creative Writing is age appropriate and has been pre-approved by our county. 

I respect your role as parents and the traditions and beliefs you hold sacred. If you would like to discuss anything we read in class, please reach out to me and we can set up a time to have a dialogue about it. 

Thank you for being involved in your child’s education.


James Dale Williamson

English 1 & Creative Writing Teacher

(910) 350-2089, ext. 73517