SPC Services

Please contact me if you are struggling with online coursework or have any concerns! Email me at audry.bunn@nhcs.net or call 910-530-6300 ext. 77240

The Special Populations Coordinator (SPC) supports the Career and Technical Education (CTE) department through identifying students within special populations each semester who are taking any CTE courses and providing support to those CTE teachers with possible teaching strategies.  SPC's also work with each student on developing, implementing, and monitoring their Career Development Plan.  The role of the SPC also includes collaborating with other service providers to assist the members of special populations in academic, social, and personal development.

Learn more about SPC Services by clicking here!


The role of the Special Populations Coordinator is to:


Every student at SEA-Tech is required to complete 25 hours of volunteer service each school year. The hours should be recorded and turned in each year. Click here to find the Volunteer Hours Form.

Resources: Are you searching for volunteer opportunities? If so, click here to view a list of local opportunities. 

Senior Internships

Each SEA-Tech student will complete a senior internship. Per the student handbook, placement in a face to face internship is dependent on the student's weighted GPA at the end of their junior year. 

If the student is in a face to face internship, here are the documents that are needed to complete the internship. 



Journal Entries 

Special Populations Coordinator 

Southeast Area Technical High School
