Career Academies

CTE Career Academies @ SEA-Tech

SEA-Tech is proud to offer four academies to our students to serve as a jump start to their hands-on Career & Technical Education experience.

What are Career Academies?

  • Two-to-three year programs operating either with semester or year long courses.

  • Specialized courses, created by educators and industry specialists, supplement and enrich curriculum opportunities through traditional high school course offerings or through Cape Fear Community College.

  • Many academies offer industry recognized credentialing opportunities at the time of course completion.

What is an Internship?

  • All of our CTE programs require an internship in the respective area of study for completion.

  • Interns have the opportunity to explore potential careers and build transferable skills.

  • Employers can use interns to add value to their organization and build their talent pipeline.

  • Depending on the type of Academy, internships vary in length and whether they are paid or unpaid.