Ms. Persuit

Welcome to Ms. Persuit's Website!

Welcome to my site. Starting September 2019, Please refer to GoogleClassroom for specific course information.

My Schedule:

A: Precalculus Acc AB, Room 404

B: Planning, Room 404

C: AP Calculus BC, Room 404

D: Precalculus Acc AB, Online

E: Precalculus Acc AB, Room 404

F: Planning, Room 404

G: AP Calculus BC, Room 404

Homeroom: Room 404

Extra Help

Monday-Thursday: 2:35-3:15pm

Before school: By appointment only.

X-block: By appointment only.

Note: This is my general before & after school schedule. There will inevitably be days where I have meetings or other commitments that will change my availability. I will let you know in class if I am not available on a certain day.

Contact Information:
