Active: Forecasting Landscape Change: LANDIS-II Development

We are continually improving our understanding of dynamic ecosystems and landscapes. We often translate this knowledge into mathematical or logical representations that are folded into the LANDIS-II forest landscape simulation model. LANDIS-II was derived from the LANDIS family of forest landscape models, developed by Dr. David Mladenoff at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. LANDIS-II is a state-of-the-art iteration of the LANDIS model and is fully extensible, open-source, and built to rigorous software engineering standards ( LANDIS-II has been used by many groups and throughout the world. We contribute by providing leadership, training, and development support. We also develop many new extensions that are shared with scientists world-wide.

Most of the current LANDIS development work at NCSU centers around the Net Ecosystem Carbon Nitrogen succession extension and the SCRAPPLE fire extension.

We also developed and continue to refine the LandViz tool for visualizing LANDIS outputs.

People: Robert Scheller, Melissa Lucash, Alec Kretchun

Collaborators: David Mladenoff (UW-Madison), Eric Gustafson (USFS), Brian Sturtevant (USFS), Brian Miranda (USFS), and many many more.


Status: Ongoing