Carrie E. Beneš

Professor of Medieval & Renaissance History

New College of Florida


Address Division of Social Sciences, 5800 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, FL 34243  Phone +1 (941) 487 4383  Office ACE 106


Director, Chart Your Course (New College's general education curriculum)

Co-Chair, New College Conference on Medieval & Renaissance Studies

Editor, TMR (The Medieval Review)

Series Editor, Artes liberales (Manchester University Press)

Series Editor, Later Medieval Europe (Brill)

Member, AHA Tuning Project


Current Research

My current project is on Gregorio Dati's La sfera (The World), an early-15c geographical treatise.

On Plague

The recent COVID-19 epidemic has fundamentally changed people's perspectives on the medieval catastrophe of the Black Death. I've collected a few of my favorite readings on the Black Death and plague in history. Also, during the Spring 2020 lockdown the students in my Death, Hell, & Capitalism: Medieval Italy in the Age of Dante & Petrarch class created an amazing website of their work called Dispatches from the Brigata.