The National Laboratory Human Resources Directors

Member Login

[revised 3/14/17]


The National Laboratory Human Resources Director Council (NLHRDC), herein referred to as the Council, is a resource to the National Laboratory Directors Council (NLDC) to better enable our mutual ability to attract, develop, and retain world class human capital needed to accomplish the scientific mission of the DOE. The intellectual capacity of the DOE Laboratory complex is a national asset that is indispensable to maintaining America’s competitive edge in science and research.

While recognizing the unique interests of individual Laboratories, the NLHRDC determines areas of mutual interest, opportunity or critical complex-wide issues that would benefit from Human Resources leadership and leverage strategic advantage of National Laboratories and by extension, to the benefit of DOE. Our purpose is to optimize our collective effectiveness in human capital and talent management across the complex and provide leadership and support to the NLDC and DOE in governance and on critical outcomes, which will result in more consistent and efficient performance of our human resources function.

Operating Principles

In order to achieve our mission, the NLHRD has developed a set of operating principles that will guide our interactions and established operating protocols that are documented below. All NLHRD members have committed to observing and supporting these principles.

Conduct of Meetings

  • We will commit to start and finish meetings on time.

  • We will maintain confidentiality of information that we commit to in our meetings.

  • All ideas will be discussed and no decisions will be made until all ideas are heard, everyone’s thoughts will be valued.

  • We will encourage and expect full participation from all attendees.

  • We will endeavor to keep discussions on topic and focused.

  • When we individually agree to do something, we will honor those commitments.

  • Focus while in the room; step out if you have to take a call; do not multi-task.

  • Members agree to review work products submitted in advance of meetings so actual meetings are productive.

  • Members are committed to attend every scheduled meeting.

  • Members unable to attend will phone in and vote or get an update from those who attended. In coordination with the Chair, Human Resources Directors may send a delegate to meetings in their absence as required to represent the respective laboratory. As such, the absent Human Resources Director is expected to prepare his/her designee in advance of the scheduled meeting so that a level of continuity and efficiency can be provided. Members agree to review work products in advance of meetings to increase meeting productivity.


The Council consists of the Human Resources Directors or equivalent position for the National Laboratories that comprise the Department of Energy - SC, NNSA, NE, EM, and EERE Complex.

It is expected that the membership will make attendance a priority for all regularly scheduled meetings. The Human Resources Directors may send a delegate to meetings as required to represent the respective laboratory. The delegate is expected to carry the same voting rights as the member for the purpose of that meeting.

  • AMES Laboratory: Diane Muncrief

  • Argonne National Laboratory: Mike Dunn

  • Brookhaven National Laboratory: Bob Lincoln

  • Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory: Kay VanVreede

  • Idaho National Laboratory: Mark Holubar

  • Jefferson Laboratory: Rhonda Barbosa

  • Los Alamos National Laboratory: Sue Harris

  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Michelle Scanlon

  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: Art Wong

  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Penny Burton

  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Debbie Stairs

  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Cathy Gee

  • Princeton Plasma Physics Lab: Paulette Gangemi

  • Sandia National Laboratory: Melonie Parker

  • SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory: Paul Chiames

Executive Committee-Membership

An Executive Committee shall comprise the Chair, Chair-elect and immediate Past-Chair. The Term of the Executive Committee members shall be through the end of the calendar year. A transition period and hand-off of responsibilities occurs each January.

Officers and Responsibilities (Chair and Co-Chair)

A Chair and Co-Chair representing NNSA, SC, NNSA, EM and EERE will be elected for a one-year term. The Co-Chair shall be elected by the full membership at the last regular meeting of the calendar year and shall serve one year as Co-Chair and one year as Chair. The Chair shall take nominations to identify appropriate candidate(s) for elections. Together the Chair and Co-Chair will coordinate meetings. Members will share in facilitations and other agreed upon expenses.

In the event the Chair is unable to complete their term, the Chair-elect shall complete the term. A new Chair-elect shall be elected at the next regular meeting.


The Council shall undertake such studies and activities assigned as its membership proposes and agrees, and as requested by the National Laboratory Directors’ Council. Task teams will be formed to examine specific matters of importance to the National Laboratories. Recommendations from the task teams will be addressed by the Council membership.


The Chair shall schedule regular meetings (two or three) of the Council. They shall be scheduled at times and places to be most effective in conducting the business of the Council, but in no case shall there be less than two meetings per calendar year. Meetings, agenda, date and location will be discussed at the meetings (preferably two meetings in advance) and will be formally announced via electronic mail. Members are permitted, when necessary and agreed upon, to bring subject area experts to assist them with agenda items. There must be at least nine members attending or meeting will be re-scheduled.

Decision Making and Voting

The NLHRD will make decisions and take positions on various matters as a Council and represent these positions with the NLDC and with the DOE as appropriate. The protocols that will be observed in the decision-making process are defined below:

  • For a decision to be represented as the recommendation of the NLHRD a minimum of nine, two-thirds (2/3) vote of members must be achieved.

  • Quorum of council is nine (2/3’s); if no quorum, no meeting.

  • Minimum of nine in agreement is needed to move forward on an initiative.

  • In the event not all members were in support of the majority position, member(s) may request that a minority position be identified in the position and/or recommendation.


Each member will cover the cost of their participation, to include labor and no-labor for their participation in the Council. The Chair may elect to make arrangements for members to share in the cost of conducting a meeting of the Council or to fund additional technical meetings or administrative costs with minimum nine votes of the Council.


This Charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of all Council members. Proposed changes shall be transmitted to the members 10 business days prior to a vote.

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