Welcome to 3B!
Class News/What's Happening/Announcements
Greetings and welcome to our classroom. The purpose of this site is to foster communication between home and school. It is my hope that you find our class website helpful and informative. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
**Please remember when I am teaching I am sometimes not able to take phone calls or respond to emails. It is very important that if your child will be absent or has a change in his or her day that you continue to email fssasttendance@nrsd.net (and cc me on it please) or send in a note to state that change. Thanks in advance for your understanding. Keep in mind that the easiest and fastest way to reach me for other things is through email. However, don’t hesitate to call anytime.
Important Dates:
11/27-11/29....No School...Thanksgiving Break
12/4 Picture Retake Day
12/13 Early Release @12:15
12/18 Report Cards Sent Home
12/23- 1/1 No School...Vacation & Holidays
1/17 Early Release @12:15
1/20 No School...MLK Day
2/7- Early Release @12:15
2/17-2/21...No School...Winter Break
Contact Information: sbowles@nrsd.net (978)779-2821 ext 5330