Minot High School Fastpitch Softball

Our program had a great 2023 season. The varsity was regular season champions, Regional tournament champions, and State runner-ups (2nd place). The JV capped off an excellent season winning the JV Regional tournaments. We are looking forward to the challenges the 2024 season will present.  🥎

10 Signs You are a Great Teammate

10. You are willing to play any role that helps the team

9. You would rather have no hits and win than have many hits and lose

8. When your team scores, the first people you congratulate are your teammates

7. You love practice as much as you love the game

6. You respect your opponents but don't fear them

5. You listen, are coachable and respect your coaches and officials

4. You are quick to pick up a teammate who is having a bad day

3. You help younger teammates who have less experience

2. You learn and grow from your own mistakes, as well as others

1. You are confident but not arrogant

Make 2024 the year you take OWNERSHIP. When athletes can take ownership of their actions and focus on what you can control, the rest falls into place. Make 2024 a "No Excuses" year.

Remember This: Your coach really doesn't determine your playing time. Your own choices do. Your effort. Your attitude. Your work ethic & more.

State Champions