Welcome to Our Library!

Welcome! There is always a lot of learning, exploring, imagining and reading going on at our school library, not to mention fun and laughter. Our library program has lots of wonderful things in store for our students, including:

  • promoting the very best children's literature, with activities designed to help our students enjoy the stories even more;

  • helping each child discover a love of reading and the wonder that can be found within the pages of a book, by connecting them with books that are "just right" for them;

  • teaching our kindergarten and first grade students research skills specifically suited to their developmental needs;

  • working with classroom teachers to support their lessons with resources that are especially suited to the interests and abilities of our students.

In addition, we offer many special events throughout the school year, including an author visit, family reading night, a bookfair, and a variety of reading celebrations. It is my hope that the library will become your childs favorite place in the school and that they will always be excited to visit the library, to get a new book, and especially to read.

Please explore our library Web site and check back often to keep up with the activities, events and lessons that are taking place in our library throughout the year. This site is also a great place to find reading lists directing you to age-appropriate children's books, as well as a wealth of links to many of our student's favorite books and authors, as well as other educational resources to help support our students and their families. Enjoy!

Christine Hiller

Library Media Specialist

(845) 460-6500, x6551

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