November 13, 2015

Post date: Nov 14, 2015 2:55:36 AM


The 3rd graders are working through the writing process to improve their personal narratives. They are working hard to include more details about their feelings and reactions, while staying in their own point of view. They have been making a lot of progress slowing down to use their tools to self-edit more effectively. We are all looking forward to celebrating their published writing again. I can’t wait to see all of the positive feedback that they give each other this time around!


The focus lessons have been centered around how GOOD READERS...

- Climb the hurdle of hard words by…

      • Using clues the author leaves to figure out hard words (gist of the story, synonyms, antonyms, or explanation)

      • Using context clues to work out FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE

- Ask and answer questions with GRIT!

      • Stop and jot questions and then grow their thinking by mulling over all of the possible answers as they look back and continue reading on.

      • Why did the author include…?


In math we are almost finished with Topic 3, which is focused on multiplication. Are you noticing a theme for 3rd grade? That’s right...multiplication! At this point the kids have been exposed to all of the basic multiplication facts and patterns. They have also learned the Distributive and Associative properties of Multiplication.

They are beginning to see how the more difficult facts can be broken apart (Distributive Property) into facts that are easier, like 1’s, 2’s and 5’s.

    • For example, 7 x 6 could be broken down into (7 x 5) + (7 x 1) or (2 x 6) + (5 x 6)

    • Drawing arrays or using counters and splitting the array up into 2 or more parts is great for students to see the equations.

They are also starting to see how looking for facts they know can help them decide how to group their numbers when solving problems with more than 2 factors.

    • Would it be easier to solve 6 x 5 x 2 by doing (6 x 5) x 2 or 6 x (5 x 2)?

Sharing the Planet:

The kids completed their Google Drawings to showcase the physical adaptations of the animal they chose to research and they came out awesome! The kids are currently finishing their summative challenge, which entails taking their animal and transplanting it into a new habitat where it would not typically be found. For example, a penguin in the desert! They have to think about their animal’s survival needs and what adaptations it would need in order to survive in this new habitat. They are having a lot of fun with this!