October Leaning in Grade 2

Post date: Oct 31, 2018 12:12:24 PM

Despite the craziness of Halloween week, our learning continues in 2nd grade. In writing, we have been exploring ways to write interesting beginnings and endings to our stories. We have examined books by different authors to see how they do it, and we have been trying those techniques with our own personal narrative writing. In math, we have been determining the difference between odd and even numbers and looking for patterns within them. We have also been exploring arrays as repeated addition. This will prepare students for multiplication in 3rd grade. In reading our focus has been on strategies to figure out words when we get stuck. Students have been using these strategies during independent reading. In science we continue to look at plants and what they need to grow. We are further exploring how different plants might need different things. Our grass heads are growing, and some students are looking forward to giving them a haircut!