MVHS Library Databases


Mount Vernon High School


We have something for everyone!

Destiny:  This is the MVHS library catalog search--but it's much more than that!  Use it to search for books, websites and database (One Search) results.  Create an account and save lists of resources for future use and to make creating a bibliography a snap.

The following databases also can be accessed through MVHS My Products page:

Creating a bibliography citation can be done relatively easily when you gather the needed information yourself and put it into a template site.  Give one of these a try:

                     *KnightCite:  Take the citation information you have and fill in a form to creat a MLA style citation.

                     *Purdue OWL MLA style guide

There are also some sites that will create the citation from a book title or web address.  I recommend

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) websites:

1.  National Science Digital Library:  This site includes a wide variety of text and multimedia resources for teachers and students.

2.  STEM Coalition:  An organization promoting STEM activities.

Media Lit link