Crafting Engaging Science Environments


Welcome to Crafting Engagement for Science  Environments!

CESE revolutionizes student learning in chemistry and physics classrooms. 

To learn more about us and why our project matters,  visit our About page and listen to this podcast from Co-Principal Investigator Joe Krajcik.

Click here for information regarding publications resulting from our research.

Open Source 

Curriculum Materials

We are in the process of opening our curriculum materials to the public as we develop online and hybrid content. The exact date has not yet been determined. Check back here for updates. 

Learning Science

Our recent publication, Learning Science, is an innovative, internationally developed system to help advance science learning and instruction for high school students.

Why It Works


During the CESE units, students are faced with challenging, but interesting problems to be solved. Along the way, these students build the skillset for solving the problems. Being able to face interesting challenging problems with the adequate skillset creates the space for students to become truly involved in what they are doing.


These units are aligned with the NGSS standards along with giving students the skills necessary for scientists. The students are required to think deeply and find answers to their own questions. The students are encouraged to dig deeper into the science than just memorizing the facts.


Students learn by doing, whether it’s drawing models, designing or conducting experiments, and asking questions. The students do the science while learning important science knowledge and skills.


The driving question which is connected to all parts of the unit is derived from a phenomenon that students are directly able to experience. Throughout the units, the lessons are referred by to the driving question so that students never question why the science matters to them.