
  • 26/06/2018: NSF just funded a project titled "Designing complex chalcogenides through building block approach". Alex Chernatynskiy is a co-PI on this project together with PI Amitava Choudhury, Chemistry, Missouri S&T. Congrats to all!
  • 05/03/18: Congratulations to Zach Driemeyer, a freshman undegraduate student in the group, who won the second prize in the annual Fuller physics research competition for his project "Thermal Properties of GaN and AlN from Classical Interatomic Potentials"
  • 03/28/18: New update to our PhonTS software, find it in the PhonTS section.
  • 01/26/17: Graduate student Qi Zhang joined the research group: Welcome aboard!
  • 10/10/16: Undergraduate student Albert Chua begins working in my group.
  • 30/05/16: UM Research Board awards research grant for a project entitled "Spin crossover and thermal conductivity of Fe-Mg-O".