


Annual report More Culture (2008)

2009年10月22日にブラジル文化省から出されたPDF版の「Relatório Anual Mais Cultura (2008) 」を、html化し、Googleネット翻訳で英語に直訳したものです。


Creativity in favor of citizenship and development --Minister Juca Ferreira --page 2

Review of the More Culture in its first year --Silvana Meireles - Page 4

Challenges and Guidelines - page 9

Actions Developed - page 11

More Integration of the Culture with the social agenda - page 21

Federative Relations and Social Participation - page 29

Final Thoughts - page 33

Volume of Investments by State - page 37


Creativity in favor of citizenship and development

In first year of existence, Program More Culture constituted the best translation practice of cultural policy implemented in six years the Ministry of Culture under the Lula government.

The program marks a continuing, now in new size of the changes implemented since 2003: the understanding that culture, and symbolic production that defines the human being as such, is a basic right of all people, alongside education, health and sanitation, and a factor of development that could put Brazil in the forefront

the new creative economy.

During his first year, More Culture has been articulating the existing shares in the Ministry and giving them a new scale -- with it a new meaning. Shares of

State must meet the entire Brazilian population, and not just the niche used to practice and receive support state to their productions.

An objective situation in which everyone can not only access, but enjoy the right to produce culture and thus expand their understandings of reality closer and interpretations of their wider aspirations for our nation.

The More Culture for networking the production of cultural communities and tens of thousands of cultural groups, ensuring the expression of millions of Bra-rosas an essential human right. This model creates the possibility to expand a market dynamic cultural and inclusive generating jobs and income, based on a modeof environmentally clean, sophisticated in terms of technology and socially just. Not to mention the role of culture to the completion of the human condition.

To achieve the required dimensions of the challenges posed by secular history of cultural segregation of our country, the More Culture has had the participation of the federal government as a whole, the state and local governments, as well as Congress and civil society. With this also constitutes the first coordinated action of the State turned meet the higher demand of our people, access and the possibility of production of intangible property.

We, managers and employees of the Ministry of Culture, are the first to recognize the enormous proportions of the contract that we intend, in order to respondthe desire of millions of Brazilians. But, as President of the Republic during the launch of More CultureNot hwill any impediment that is to height "for theçthe motor's production will of one'sçwill".

Juca Ferreira

Minister of Culture

Review of the More Culture in its first year

For Brazil to go into a cycle of sustainable and durable development, we must recognize cultural diversity and the legitimate demands of the Brazilian people in their right to culture. Thus understood, the culture, and promote citizenship, describes the environmental and social impacts strongly the economy and growth of employment and income. Cultural policy must play a central role in the development of the country by its pervasive and ability to dialogue with the multiple social contexts in Brazil.

There are several challenges posed by More Culture and to achieve them is required, in addition to planning and constant work, gather and align the various forces that can contribute to the success desired. So in 2008, we improved and reorganized the actions of the Program in order to facilitate its dissemination by the states.

Implement the work with federal agencies and partners from various ministries and institutions, which was instrumental in implementing and monitoring the program activities. The division of powers allowed them to be incorporated into the regional and will, from 2009, by compensating state governments, a significant increase in the budget More Culture, Leveraging the investments of the Federal Government. Thus, in just one year of existence, the program has achieved membership of 17 states plus the partnership of various bodies of the Union We closed 2008 with the implementation of 90% of the budget for the program, totaling 199 million.

We advance the policy of the Book and Reading, with the recognition of 514 points Reading. Launched the Pontinho Culture / play space More Culture, Aimed at children and adolescents, aiming to promote the novelty sensory experiences developed by the cultural society. 205 initiatives have been awarded in areas of high social vulnerability, in the Territories of Citizenship Program, coordinated by the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) in Areas of the National Public Security and Citizenship (Pronasci) of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), and regions with the lowest Human Development Index (HDI) and Index of Basic Education Development (IDEB).

More than a thousand cities will have new or upgraded libraries, with the kits which acquired in 2008 and will be distributed by July 2009, which allows us to go steady in order to meet a goal of More CultureWhich is zero the number of Brazilian municipalities without libraries.

The bidding for the selection of points of culture, under contracts with 23 states, Federal District and six municipalities, which represents an expansion of the existing 800 to over 2000 points in 2009.

The participation of states, municipalities and civil society in the implementation process More Culture is another priority in the management of the program. To increase the actions we have held meetings in the states of strategic planning More Culture, When the federal, state, municipal and company discuss jointly how best to apply the resources allocated to each region. This dialogue, plus the accession of municipalities in the Program in 2009, will help to ensure continuity of the actions of More Culture beyond 2010.

As the Brazilian economy has boosted the social development of Brazil's culture contributes to the improvement of this index, providing credit, promoting and financing, structure, advice on planning and managing small businesses through partnerships with public banks to take the informality Brazilian culture that survive in precarious conditions. In this sense, the highlights are the 216 thousand credit operations carried out by Banco do Nordeste (BNB), only the first half, and adherence of the Bank of Amazonia (BASA), which in May 2008, launched the Amazon More Culture.

With a view to strengthening the cultural infrastructure of the country, together with the Ministry of Cities, we have selected projects Spaces More Culture - Dynamic centers for meetings, entertainment, experience, creation and activation of cultural exchange and symbolic - in seven capital for deployment in the areas of intervention of the Acceleration Program (PAC).

In order to contribute to the improvement of the educational programming of public television in Brazil, directed especially to young people from classes C, D and E, performed in October in the Youth Seminar and Teledramaturgia that led to the preparation of tender FICTV /More Culture, Released in December, along with Brazil Communications Company (EBC) and the Society of Friends Cinematheque (SAC), to produce three miniseries to be broadcast on stations in the country. In addition, the online education, is in production program bichito also directed to youth. The program is produced by the Educational Broadcasting Bahia (IRDEB), with the support of Brazil and TV in partnership TV Cultura do Pará

We are confident that the actions underway and proposed by the joints More Culture contributed to promote and strengthen the rich cultural diversity of our country. The synergy between the state, communities and individuals has allowed the consolidation of the program. The Culture Ministry will continue implementing policies to address the cultural diversity and support through various instruments, maintenance and expansion of cultural goods and services, seeking universal access to these and expand the creative capacity of all citizens.

Silvana Meireles

Secretary for Institutional Articulation of

Ministry of Culture and Executive Coordinator

Program More Culture


The Survey of Basic Municipal Information - (MUNIC), 2006, held by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), showed a match between municipalities with high social vulnerability and those with poor sanitary conditions of access and enjoyment of goods, services and products cultural. Given that this association is not random, the Ministry of Culture (MinC) used the research as a basis for the construction of More Culture Program, giving the challenges facing the guidelines and guiding. Thereafter, the actions implemented by more Culture Program, which integrates the social agenda of the Federal Government, are developed at the intersection between economic, social and cultural make up the map of social exclusion. Such actions are performed with the states, municipalities and civil society, in conjunction with with other federal agencies that make up the social agenda.

Challenges Program More Culture

Qualify the social environment of cities and the countrysideIncorporating culture as a central element in the formation and reformulation of the environment by ensuring the Brazilians, with special attention to the people trapped in poverty, at risk and social vulnerability, the right to culture and leisure.

Reintegration of the culture as a vector of skills of Brazilian education, Increasing its attractiveness and persuasion, expanding the fields of cognition and experience, improving the relationship with the school community and promoting the full exercise of citizenship.

Develop the skill and love of reading habit in Brazil, Popularizing it and facilitating the handling of books and other media for content and information.

Treating the right to childhood as a priority of stateSupporting and promoting initiatives that recognize and value the children's play as a right and opportunity to learn.

Create conditions for involving young people into work cultural levels in technical and artistic. Activities include arts and crafts derived from culture as tools for the construction of spaces of transition to the world of work.

Take the informal million Brazilians who survive the culture precarious conditions, providing credit, promoting or financing, structure, advice on planning and managing small businesses.

Ensure access for individuals, families and communities to leisure and consumption of cultural goods, Essential for full citizenship.

Strengthen the values, practices and sustainable livelihoods and healthyWhich allow the coexistence between development, culture and environment.

Disseminate a culture of democratic valuesRepublicans, solidarity, peace and appreciation of life, with social justice, recognizing the conflicts of Brazilian society.

Promote and create programs to train large segments of the population qualified for an interaction with the Internet and expand free access to it and digitization of cultural content, especially in English.

Leveraging technologies such as social experience of cultural activities undertaken by hundreds of social movements, NGOs, communities, and social technologies pra incorporate excluded and vulnerable populations.


Axes Program More Culture

The actions proposed by More Culture Program are organized into three areas:

Culture and Citizenship - Addressing the issues of citizenship, identity and diversity.

Culture and Cities - Focused on the characterization of the social environment, with the creation of cultural infrastructure in various areas.

Culture and Economy - Focused on issues of occupation, income, employment and financing of culture.

During 2008, the program sought to improve the existing shares and create new ones to meet the needs and cultural needs of the population who are socially vulnerable, especially children and young people in classes C, D and E. In this sense, focused its activities primarily in the 410 municipalities covered by the Territories of Citizenship Program, coordinated by the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA), and in areas of the National Public Security and Citizenship (Pronasci), the Ministry of Justice (MJ ).

In September 2008 launched the action spaces Playing More CultureWith the aim of promoting cultural initiatives aimed at children. Were awarded 205 initiatives that develop recreational activities, cultural and leisure, especially for children and teenagers. Each of these initiatives received $ 18 mil.

Through national edict, were selected in December, 514 Points Reading, initiatives that encourage and promote reading in the country. Each one will receive in 2009, 650 kits containing books, furniture and complete computer, plus hundreds of comic books Monica's Gang, thanks to the donation of three million copies by Mauricio de Sousa Produções e Editora Globo, held in December. Of these, 300 thousand will be allocated to the program of rural minibibliotecas Arca das Letras, the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA).

In October, the Seminar and Youth Teledramaturgia, in order to create support for the organization of series to be broadcast on public television Brasileira. For three days, youth experts, producers, writers and representatives from Public TV discussed issues related to creation and production of soap operas for young people in classes C, D and E.

As a result, in December launched the FICTV /More Culture - Announcement of Selection of Projects Development and Production Teledramaturgia Serial to further the prospects of dramatic art that communicate with the reality and the language of young people and encourage society to discuss issues facing youth. In the first stage of selection, scheduled for the first half of 2009, eight projects will be awarded. Each will receive $ 250 thousand to fund the production of the pilot project and the technical realization of miniseries. Of these, three projects will be selected in the second stage and will earn $ 2.6 million for the production of mini-series with 13 episodes being broadcast in the broadcast of public television.

In order to improve the existing shares, as the Points of Culture, the More Culture formed partnerships with states, through cooperation agreements, so that their actions can flow more quickly and efficiently. This will, for example, more than double the number of Points of Culture supported in the country, going from 800 to more than two thousand points in 2009.

Coordination with the federal states will ensure the participation of public institutions and civil society in the discussions that take place after the signing of agreements to determine what actions the program is a priority in the region. In strategic planning meetings, in the United States that adhere to More Culture, Are imposed Management Units and Committees Monitoring Program, which expand and promote the participation of civil society in monitoring the program in their states.

(Fig.) Distribution of 205 spaces to Play More Culture by Region - 2008 Bidding

(Fig.) Distribution of 205 spaces Playing More Culture by State - 2008 Bidding

Culture and Citizenship

In the construction of citizenship, culture plays an important role in strengthening the self-esteem and sense of belonging of the individual in your group, your community and its territory. That extent, More Culture intends to improve the quality of life as it protects and promotes cultural diversity and widen access to cultural goods and services. Several actions are integrated to build the goals of promoting citizenship by way of Culture:

Culture Points

Support for cultural projects and initiatives already undertaken by communities, groups and networks of collaboration, through agreements with states and municipalities.

Will be over two thousand points of culture articulated in a network by the end of 2009. Of these, 800 were already supported. Other 1257 initiatives of cultural non-profit organizations and government entities will be selected through an agreement signed with 20 states (CA, AP, AM, PA, RO, TO, AL, BA, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN , SE, GO, MS, RJ, SC, MG) and two cities (Curitiba and Goiânia). Three other states (MT, ES, RR), Distrito Federal (DF) and four municipalities (Maceio / AL, Campina Grande / PB, Palmas / TO and Sao Vicente / SP) are in the process of agreements with the Ministry of Culture selection of 141 points.

In partnership with the Ministry of Health, through the Grupo Hospitalar Conceição (GHC), Porto Alegre, were selected through public bidding, 10 Points of Culture that work in promoting the GHC Health is the responsible for the articulation of other being the first network Points of Culture for PRMOÇÃO health in Brazil.

With the support of Pronasci were transferred resources to select Acre 4 Points of Culture, in areas of social vulnerability. The More Culture also relayed Fundaçnao resources to the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) for the deployment of 30 Points of Indigenous culture in the states of Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Rondônia and Roraima in 2009.

Investment MinC: R $ 95 million.

Investment of the Ministry of Health: £ 1.8 million.

Investment Pronasci: R $ 240 (first of three installments).

Cine More Culture

Support activities that promote cinematographers exhibition of films in rural and urban areas, usually without movie theaters. Six workshops were held which enabled 155 agents audiovisual, 82 Cinemas More Culture distributed in 22 states and the Federal District:

South: 18 representatives from ten Cinemas More Culture three states (RS, SC, PR).

Southeast: 42 representatives of 22 Cinemas More Culture four states (RJ, SP, ES, MG).

Midwest: 14 representatives of eight Cinemas More Culture two states and the Federal District (DF, GO, MS).

North: Nine representatives of five Cinemas More Culture four states (CA, AM, RO, TO), five representatives of two Cines More Culture Para, installed in the Houses of Digital MDA.

Northeast: 67 representatives of 35 Cinemas More Culture eight states (AL, BA, CE, MA, PB, PI, RN, SE).

Investment MinC: U.S. $ 3.55 million

Contents for Public TV

Production of audiovisual content for broadcast on public television stations, combined with farmers and independent producers, with a focus on social inclusion.

FICTV / More Culture

Conducting research on the psychosocial profile of youth bands C, D and E, combined with the field of public TV. Teledramaturgia and Youth Seminar, held in October 2008. Both actions resulted in the launch of the Call FICTV /More Culture, That will allocate a total of $ 14.48 million (for the period 2008 to 2010) to produce eight episodes inaugural miniseries, plus three mini-series of 13 chapters with 26 minutes each, totaling 47 audiovisual products to be conveyed in public stations television. The cost per episode is $ 200 mil. In 2008, it invested more than $ 4 million to conduct research, seminars and development of eight projects

technical production of miniseries, which includes the inaugural production of the episodes.

Investment MinC: U.S. $ 4.11 million.


The More Culture signed a cooperation agreement with the Educational Broadcasting Institute of Bahia (IRDEB) for the production of television bichito, game education among students from public schools in three regions of the country will address issues relating to content requirements in the National Middle School (Enem) and vestibular top institutions of higher education in the country. The program is in production by IRDEB through the TV Educativa da Bahia, with the support of Brazil Communications Company (EBC) through the TV Brazil, and Fundação de Telecomunicaciones de Pará (Funtelpa), through TV Cultura do Pará The program will be aired throughout the country, the TV Brazil.

Investment MinC: £ 2.8 million.

Through public bidding were rewarded with $ 18 thousand each, 215 initiatives across the country who recognize and value the children's play as a right and a learning opportunity. Of the total, 27 focus on the Territories of Citizenship and 93 in areas of Pronasci.

Investment MinC: R $ 3,870 million.

Points of Culture Read More

Recognized 514 initiatives promoting the reading of individuals and companies, with 175 coming from the Territories of Citizenship and of the 160 priority municipalities PRONASCI. Of the selected experiments, 204 are in the Southeast, 188 in the Northeast, 48 in Africa, 30 in the Midwest and 44 in the North. Each one will receive, in 2009, 650 kits containing books, furniture and complete computer, plus hundreds of comic books from Monica's Gang.

Investment MinC: U.S. $ 15.6 million.

Culverts Culture

The pontoons are instrumental in promoting the exchange and dissemination of Brazilian culture in its many forms and languages at the national or regional entity governed by public or private nonprofit. Big Points articulate the role of culture points located in a region, thus becoming a reference tool in the development of actions and training of police culture linked to the Points. In 2008, culverts were SUS 14, six the state of Sao Paulo, two in Rio de Janeiro, two in Piauí, one in Mato Grosso, one in Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco and one in a state of Ceará.

Investment MinC: £ 5.2 million.

(Fig.) Distribution of 514 points Reading by Region - 2008 Bidding

(Fig.) Distribution of 514 points Reading by State - Bidding 2008

Culture and Cities

Qualify the social environment of cities and the countryside through the construction, renovation, modernization and adaptation of cultural spaces.

More Libraries Culture

Uptakethe - Published in the Official Gazette on 30 December 2008, the list with the 376 municipalities that will receive, in 2009, kits for deployment of public libraries. This action, plus the 300 kits distributed during 2008, covers the whole of municipalities without such equipment in the country, identified by the National System of Public Libraries. Each library receives deployed kit with a collection of two thousand books, furniture and equipment.

Investment MinC: R $ 22 million.

Modernization - 444 kits were purchased for the modernization of municipal public libraries, and 299 located in the Territories of Citizenship. Of the total, 410 were delivered. The remaining kits will be used in 2009. Each library receives modernized thousand books, furniture and digital telecenter with 11 networked computers with access to broadband Internet.

Investment MinC: U.S. $ 24.31 million.

Libraries Reference

Modernization of public libraries large. Expansion of the collection, physical space, scanning works, training and access to diverse media such as video, audio, digital media and internet. In 2008, the More Culture repassed resources for modernization of seven reference libraries, located in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Ceara, Bahia and the Federal District.

Investment MinC: U.S. $ 14.7 million.

More Space Culture

Construction, rehabilitation or expansion of existing spaces, both in the suburbs as in urban centers for the practice of cultural, creative, leisure and social life, to encourage dialogue and interaction of artistic languages in the same ambiente.Foram selected projects in seven capital: Nascedouro of Viçosa, in Recife, Cultural Center Multipurpose School Laércio Fisher, in Natal, Rio Anil Project in St. Louis; Cultural Village Sweet Creek in Bethlehem; Multipurpose Cultural Center of the Industrial City of Curitiba, Animating Culture in Florianopolis, and Varjão Village Community Center in Brasilia. The action is developed in partnership with the Ministry of Cities, through the Acceleration Program (PAC), and Caixa Economica Federal.

MinC Investment: £ 6.7 million.

Points of Memory More Culture

The project is a partnership between the Program More Culture and the National Public Security and Citizenship (Pronasci), the Ministry of Justice. Points of memory have to work on reconstruction and protection of social and collective memory of communities from their neighbors, their origins, histories and values. The expectation is that the initiative to become a reference for the community and in point of boosting the socio-cultural activities and sites.

The completion of the project, the Ministry of Culture and the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) signed a technical cooperation project aimed at supporting the expansion and consolidation of community projects that work with social memory in Brazil . The Ministry of Culture, through the Heritage Institute (IPHAN), transferring resources to OEI for the development of management tools and technical and operational measures for the implementation and maintenance of memory points.

In 2008, we selected 12 priority regions, served by Pronasci - Maceió (AL), Salvador (BA), Fortaleza (CE), Brasilia (DF), Vitória (ES), Belo Horizonte (MG), Bethlehem (PA), Curitiba (PR), Recife (PE), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Porto Alegre (RS) Sao Paulo (SP) - for implementation of Points of Memory More Culture the course of 2009. The total is $ 3.57 million, R $ 2.57 million of Pronasci and $ 1 million from the Ministry of Culture. The project lasts three years.

Investment MinC1 million (three years).

Investment Pronasci: U.S. $ 2.57 million.

(fig) Investment in modernization of 410 libraries by Region - 2008 Bidding

(Fig.) Investment in Modernization of 410 libraries by State - Bidding 2008

Culture and Economy

One of the main priorities of the Ministry of Culture is to improve the economic environment and investment in the cultural sector. For this it is necessary to provide access to credit and means of movement and placement of goods and services, gradually incorporating the share of informal workers of culture in the formal economy, creating business opportunities, jobs and income for workers, professionals, micro , small and medium-Brazilian cultural market. It assured a new paradigm of the importance of culture in the cities, states and throughout the country, through the following actions:

Promotion of Handicrafts of Cultural Tradition - PromoArt

Selected 65 communities craft in the North (AP, AM, PA), Northeast (AL, BA, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN and IF), Midwest (GO, MS, MT, TO), Southeast (ES, MG, RJ and SP) and South (PR, SC and RS). These communities will encourage local production, through the implementation of public policies for the development and promotion of handcrafts. In 2008, Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social (BNDES), the Ministry of Culture and Cultural Association of Friends of the Museum Edison Carneiro Folklore signed contracts that allowed the transfer of R $ 1.3 million to 65


The appeal will be applied in the classification of spaces for the production of handicrafts in the country and in conducting training workshops, among other actions that encourage job creation and income.

Investment MinC: U.S. $ 5.12 million

Investment BNDES: £ 1.3 million

Microcredit Cultural

Banco do Nordeste (BNB) has promoted microcredit programs focused on cultural entrepreneurs, through two lines of credit for micro, small and medium enterprises:

Northeast Culture Grows - Aimed at law firms, invested in 2008, the amount of $ 9.9 million in projects related to culture, involving 282 operations.

CREDIAMIGO - Aimed at individuals who perform activities in the cultural sector. In the first half of 2008, funded around 216 thousand initiatives related to the economy of culture, with an average unit value of $ 1 mil.

More Small-scale Culture

In 2008 the area was set for implementing the scale measure More Culture, Comprising a semi-arid region, identified as a priority in the social agenda to focus on lower Human Development Index (HDI) and Index of Basic Education Development (IDEB) in the country. Will benefit more than 1,200 municipalities in 11 states (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceara, Minas Gerais, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Maranhão and Espírito Santo). The goal is to promote cultural diversity by promoting and encouraging artists, arts groups independent

and small cultural producers. The initiatives will receive from one to 30 minimum wages and must receive a 17 to 29 years living in the region.

Action-scale measure More Culture will be developed in partnership with the National Arts (Funarte), the Bank of Northeast Brazil (BNB), through the Northeast Citizenship Institute (INEC) and the secretariats of culture 11estados.

The announcement scale measure More Culture will be launched in the first half of 2009 and will allocate £ 13.5 million for cultural projects targeted at young semiarid.


Social Agenda

The social agenda of the federal government, which is housed in the Program More culture, and of social and cultural, has its guiding in integrated management of policies, the strengthening of the federative pact between the federal, Distrito Federal, states and municipalities and the expansion and strengthening of social participation. Its strategy to fight inequality, poverty and exclusion, the articulation and integration of sectoral public policies in the same territorial base, aimed at helping people in social risk.

A cultura é um dos eixos estruturantes da Agenda Social. With the Program More Culture and through coordination, integration and coordination of actions with other strands of the Social Agenda, federal partners, banks and companies of mixed economy, a network is being woven with partnerships to leverage actions aimed at promoting the economy of culture and the Brazilian population's access to cultural goods and services. Data from the Basic Municipal Information (Munich), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), held in 2006 show that 90% of Brazilian municipalities have weak cultural infrastructure and has no cinema, theater, museums and cultural spaces , among other equipment.

To overcome this situation, the strategy of cooperation, coordination and integration of More Culture includes links to other strands of the Social Agenda and Rights of Citizenship (maroon, indigenous, women, children and adolescents, traditional communities, people with special needs, elderly, documentation basic civil) and programs such as: areas of Citizenship, the National Youth Inclusion Program (ProJovem), the National Public Security and Citizenship (Pronasci); More Health, and Development Program of Education (PDE), especially more education.

Concepts such as partnerships, integration and coordination are crucial to consolidate a policy of state and guarantor of rights that seeks to further reduce social inequality, the social agenda objectives.

Agreements Subscriptions

The Ministry of Culture has signed agreements with 15 departments and agencies with status ministry, with five state-owned banks, with three autonomous social services (SESC SESC / SP and SESI), three with public or private entity, with a regulatory agency (National Water Agency), with a public Foundation (National Foundation Indian) and one with an international organization, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Ministry partners, five of them are responsible for driving axle of the Social Agenda, and the Ministry of Culture. They are: Ministry of Agrarian Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Environment. The Ministry of Cities, along with the Civil House of the Presidency, is responsible for the conduct of PAC Re-urbanization. Besides the ministries, the More Culture entered into partnership with the Special Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic: Human Rights, Women's Policies; Promotion of Racial Equality, and


With regard to the Territories of Citizenship and More Education, the Ministry of Culture is also responsible for formulating, implementing, managing and monitoring these programs.

Other ministries partners assumed command strategic political dialogue strongly with the guidelines of the social agenda of Government and the Program More CultureSuch as the Ministries of Labor and Employment, Social Development and Hunger Alleviation and National Integration.

Public banks have joined the program in order to implement one of the cornerstones of the policy actions of Culture and Income: Microcredit / Lines of Credit. The More Culture is linked to the financial system for the development of actions to strengthen the cultural economy, to train managers in respect of the possibilities and the means to obtain financing and to promote cultural activities.

Social services autonomous, SESC SESC / SP and SESI, are important partners for the implementation of actions More Culture. These institutions are sharing their experience in developing training activities, conferences and seminars, as well as the management of multipurpose cultural spaces.

Public enterprises and mixed economy also joined the program, firming commitment for more investment in cultural endeavors, providing structures feed into the service disclosed, multiplication, and orientation of participants in tenders for public screening and developing joint actions to preserve memory in their areas actuation.

The program also established alliances with the National Water Agency (ANA), to form an agenda for the protection and promotion of culture around the water, and the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) to expand and strengthen actions promotion and protection of indigenous cultural expressions.

Shared Management

The decree that established the program More Culture two bodies established for the management and coordination: Technical Board, which brings together federal partners, and the Executive Committee, which brings together the departments and agencies linked to the Ministry of Culture.

On 1 December 2008, the Ministry of Culture, the prospect of cooperation and integration, installed the Technical Chamber of More Culture, Joint space and joint management of the program. In its meetings are jointly discussed the improvement of actions, strategies, territorial integration, with shares of partners and resource optimization. The Executive Committee, informally and formally, has been meeting since the beginning of the implementation of the Program.


Territories Citizenship

The Ministry of Culture, through the Program More CultureIs cogestor and share responsibility for the Territories of Citizenship Program. Means that the implementation, monitoring, monitoring and evaluation, and integration and coordination of their actions with other participants from ministries, it is your responsibility. Thus, the MinC based his participation in 2008 in support of 65 Points of Culture and the construction and modernization of municipal public libraries, with 157 deployed in municipalities that do not have this equipment and upgraded 299 in the Territories of Citizenship, 110 in suggested by municipalities Colegiados territorial.

The MinC was beyond the agreed upon, increasing the number of municipalities served by the action of modernization of municipal public libraries from 110 to 299, including all the network's live. Other 157 municipalities of the Territories of Citizenship were selected by More Culture and receive, through contract lending, collection and furniture for the implementation of municipal public libraries. The distribution of this material is expected in the first half of 2009.

The Living Library Network aims to promote books and reading through the modernization of the public library, support for Points of Reading - in each municipality with a library should be upgraded at least a point supported by Reading - and the selection and training of Agents Reading More Culture. Agents Reading are mobilizing the network and, in synergy, promote coordination and integration of actions, collections and activities of families and communities with the municipal public library, with the Points of Reading and the Arcas das Letras, action of the Ministry Development

Agrarian, helping to train the reader in the Territories of Citizenship.

Of the 514 points awarded Reading, 175 are located in the Territories of Citizenship, a result of joint workMore Culture and the Center for Agrarian Studies and Rural Development (NEAD), the Ministry of Agrarian Development, which conducted a chat to disclosure and explanation of the process of the public, to encourage projects from urban areas prioritized by the program.

The program also incorporated the action of the Cine More Culture Cottages with Digital. Both actions depart from common and complementary objectives of ensuring access to new media and information. It aims to develop in these communities, actors are able to not only join the World Wide Web (Internet) and the Brazilian audiovisual expression, as well as providing content based on its perception of the local reality.

Integration with the cottage Digital was started in December 2008, when the day in Bethlehem, the training workshop for community representatives who attended the Para The equipment was delivered and installed, and the first public meeting was held in February 2009, the Cine More Culture the community of Ponta de Pedras, Pará, with exhibition content Programadora Brazil.

Other Cinemas More Culture already trained (the workshop of the PA was the last of six that occurred in 2008) also performed the same day and time, their sessions. In all, 117 Cines More Culture conducting concurrent sessions and interconnected by the Internet, demonstrating the potential of the program. For 2009, are being planned facilities CinesMore Culture in agricultural schools in the Territories of Citizenship, reinforcing the integrating character of the social agenda.

The bidding selection of points of culture were also a priority to cut the Territories of Citizenship. In Bahia we selected the first 17 points of culture, supported by the Ministry of Culture in the Territories.

More Education - PDE

The Ministry of Culture contributes to the formulation in the broad arts and culture, to discuss and promote the distribution of kits fanfare bands, choral singing and hip hop and the promotion and coordination between the selected schools of Education and More Points Culture, so that these are part of the network of comprehensive education around schools.

Aware that culture is a fundamental qualification for the education, promote the MinC under the actions of the visual program More CultureThe launch in the first half of 2009, the National Network, the program to Knowing (see page 14).

The Department for Continuing Education, Literacy and Diversity (SECAD), the Ministry of Education, through the State Departments of Education, Bahia, Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro, said the schools participating in the TV game show that will be produced by the Office of Educational Broadcasting Bahia (IRDEB) TV and Brazil, with support from TV Educativa do Pará

The promotion of books and reading is also critical in a strategy for improving education. In this sense, it launched the public notice for the selection of points of Reading, found that more areas of Education as one of the indicators for selection of priority municipalities.


Identifying culture as essential vector recognition, protection and promotion of citizenship and, therefore, essential to the effective construction of a culture of peace, the Departments of Justice and Culture signed a cooperation agreement. Pronasci passed on to More Culture resources for the deployment of four points in Acre and Culture for the implementation of 14 points in the memory 12 metropolitan priority, assisted by the program. Of the 514 points Reading selected, 160 are in the priority municipalities PRONASCI and the 205 spaces Playing awarded resources More Culture, 94 are in the region served by Pronasci.


The relationship with the ProJovem includes stock art and culture aimed at vocational training through courses such as cultural production assistant, assistant cenotecnia, wardrobe assistant and a DJ. There are also courses for revealing film, wedding photographer, camera operator and video finisher video. Besides these, the professionalization of education, there is training for storytellers.

Several actions More Culture are directed preferentially to the youth, which is why the partnership is strategic for both programs.

Rights and Citizenship

The assumption that culture is intrinsically related to the development of citizenship, gave the actions that follow.

Combating Violence Against Women - Recognizing the importance of culture for the strengthening and maintaining a culture of peace, the Program More Culture adhered to the Pact to Fight Violence Against Women program, the Special Secretariat of Policies for Women (SPM). During WEB 2008 (national meeting of the Culture Points, held in November in Brasilia), in partnership with SPM, was held the first seminar Points of Culture - a gender perspective. The experience provided subsidies for the structuring of bid selection

Points of Culture that work on gender issues, to be launched in 2009 as commitment between the More Culture and SPM.

Child and Adolescent - The Program More Culture is a partner of the shares of Agenda Children and Adolescents, the Special Secretariat for Human Rights of the Presidency (SEDH / PR). Accordingly, the Ministry of Culture launched in September 2008, the Nobel recreational / Flecks of Culture. The playful action / spaces Playing More Culture aims to reward non-profit organizations and government institutions that work on enhancing and promoting the culture of childhood, from the perspective of the right to play and play, opening the support of cultural policies aimed at children and adolescents (see page 24).

Traditional Communities - The commitment of More Culture on the agenda of Traditional Communities, the Ministry of Environment in 2008, was initiated by the cultural mapping of Reserves (RESEX), in partnership with the Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN).

Indigenous - The commitment of More Culture Agenda of Indigenous Peoples in 2009, is to install 30 Points of Culture in the Indian states of Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Roraima and Rondônia. To do so, we transferred £ 3.64 million to the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI).

Other Federal Partners

Revitalization of San Francisco

The region includes the basin of the São Francisco River is known to be repository of knowledge and traditions of Brazilian culture, with a rich diversity of artistic expressions, popular cultures and traditions. The attention of the Ministry of Culture back to the promotion of the means for the preservation and revitalization of local cultural heritage, and to provide the population with the enjoyment and full access to national and cultural universals.

It is the MinC plan the actions to be implemented, assessing the interest, feasibility and viability of them in cities and communities located there. The highlight, respecting the context of the Program are the Territories of Citizenship, traditional communities, indigenous peoples and people in vulnerable social, cultural and economic. In this sense, they integrate the actions of More Culture with the Ministry of National Integration, responsible for coordinating the revitalization program in San Francisco by the Company for the Development of the San Francisco and Parnaíba (CODEVASF), in partnership between the Ministries of Environment, Land Development;

Social Development and Hunger Alleviation, and Education, among others.

For the construction of cultural activities efficient, effective and replicable in the extended and leveraged in conjunction with other actions of the agenda and the development of local partnerships, the Ministry of Culture proposes to undertake the project of Cultural Revitalization Basin in San Francisco. The protagonists are the managers and cultural sites, in conjunction with the Points of Culture, environmental educators, Green Rooms, indigenous and maroon communities, fishermen, coastal communities and other representative groups of local cultures.

Initially, the action focuses on conduct in 2009 a pilot project of local development in the basin of the São Francisco / Urucuia Valley, which will occur in the context of actions to revitalize the São Francisco River.


The partnership between the Ministries of Culture and Health was accomplished through 30 initiatives, which will receive the Nobel Culture and Health under the Program More Culture.

The total number of initiatives awarded the prize of $ 15 thousand, will be distributed proportionally among the five Brazilian regions, based on demand enabled: one North, eight in the Northeast, two of the Midwest, fifteen of Southeast and four South

The winning bids were demonstrated throughout the selection process and evaluation, is innovative and well structured and contributing to the formation of the Network for Culture and Health and for the expansion and qualification procedures for promoting health through cultural activities, recognizing the as full human being and health as fundamental to the quality of life and purpose to the exercise of citizenship.

Similarly, the Program More CultureIn partnership with Grupo Hospitalar Conceição (GHC), hospital healthcare facilities of the Ministry of Health in Porto Alegre, has selected nine points of culture that form the first network Points of Culture to promote health in Brazil. The GHC is the point responsible for coordination of the network.


In addition to the already agreed upon partnership with ProJovem Worker, in which they were made bows professionals with the culture, we highlight the partnership between the construction More Culture Center and the Labor Market. In Brazil, 53% of cultural workers are informal. Map needs, supply and demand in the labor market of culture is therefore essential for the planning and execution of joint activities between the Ministry of Culture

and the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE).

The Department of Economic Development, the Labor Ministry, strives to present a proposal for partnership with the More CultureFelt that the guideline of expanding access to cultural goods and services, as well as culture and income, are in line with their policies.

Program More Culture promote planning workshop of the shares with the 2009 Facility, expanding the joint action, through integrated and coordinated actions.

National Water Agency - ANA

The National Water Agency is on schedule for the Planning, 2009, beginning in January, at which time the partnership and the planning of joint action will be taken up.

Relationship with the Financial System

Northeast Bank - BNB

The BNB provides financing in three years, more than $ 147 million for cultural activities through credit lines for micro, small and medium enterprises and micro-credit programs focused on cultural entrepreneurs. In addition to promoting the economy of culture, the NBB conducted training program for cultural projects in the nine Northeastern states, in partnership with More Culture. The program called cultural sites with information related to the cultural sector, facilitating access to financing resources, incentives and encouragement for cultural activities.

Banco da Amazonia - BASA

The Bank established the Amazon program Amazon More CultureConsisting of a series of actions, including training in cultural projects ever undertaken in every capital of the North. By October 2008, the BASA allocated R $ 9.9 million through credit lines covered with resources from the Constitutional Financing Fund of America (NOF). These features make the cultural projects become reality and contribute to the strengthening of regional culture.


The CEF has developed five new credit products to the market culture, from a pilot project underway in the city of Porto Alegre. The company has, since early 2008, internal campaign to raise awareness, information and mobilization of staff and managers in order to increase the supply of credit services and products geared to artists and cultural entrepreneurs.


Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social (BNDES) is committed to promoting the adequacy of its financial products to the needs of companies and agents of national cultural market. Also supported the consideration of action for the Promotion of Crafts Tradition - PromoArt (see page 18).

Public and Private Partnerships


The cooperation agreement with the SESC / SP is anchored on its extensive experience in the design and management of cultural spaces. The agreement, submit a proposal of architecture, integration plan and implementation strategy Sistema Nacional de Cultura (SNC), Development of training course for cultural managers and design workshop for cultural managers.

MinC Investment: £ 2.6 million

Committee of Sponsoring - SECOM

On the initiative of the Sponsorship Committee of the Secretariat of Social Communication (SECOM), the Presidency, made up of public companies that invest in culture was set up working group whose goal is to design the project of Cultural Movement. The More Culture he joined the group to qualify the action as not only a territorial movement of shows, but also build models for the inclusion of people who are target audience of the Program. The Draft Cultural Movement will seal More Culture and therefore have the institutional support program.


One of the challenges of cultural policy is to leave the building "cabinet" and invest in the construction of a new reading of the site, view doe development. Following this reasoning, the Report of the Population Fund (UNFPA, 2008) rejects the idea of uniform model of development that does not take into account the cultural peculiarities, and uses the terms "cultural sensitivity" and "cultural lens" as essential for the formulation of development policies.

Based on these observations, one can think of two aspects: the first regarding the ownership of the report by UNFPA, in point of culture as relevant for development policies, the second aspect refers to the Ministry of Culture, to More Culture Program considers the particular regions, paving the states and municipalities and civil society the ways to implement their actions.

For effective implementation of public policies, it is necessary to strengthen the federal relations of cooperation, through the decentralization of resources, especially the sharing of decisions, participation and social control. In this sense, the Program More Culture is part of a favorable environment for cooperation with federal agencies to integrate goals and actions, contributing to the consolidation of the National Culture (CNS). The decentralization of the program represents itself as a decisive step towards cooperation between federal agencies and the extension of social participation in the formulation, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation program.

Federative Relations

In 2008, 17 states signed with the Ministry of Culture of the Cooperation Agreement, a document that establishes the rules for the implementation of the Program More CultureProviding for coordinated action among federal entities. They are: Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Sergipe, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso. Of these, 12 states carried out between September and December 2008, meetings of strategic planning for the implementation of the Program. Pointed interest in joining More Culture the states of Parana, Goias, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondônia, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Tocantins, the Federal District.

Among the responsibilities accorded, it is the state set up the Office of Management and Follow-up Committee of the Program, and develop an implementation plan to be developed in agreement between the participants. These instances and management tools, as well as participation and social control are based on the principles ofSistema Nacional de Cultura (CNS) and the National Culture Plan (NCP)

The SNC, Which aims to integrate programs and initiatives promoted at the municipal, state and federal governments, seeking the balance and interaction between government and civil society, establishing the premises for the cooperation between federal agencies, following the principles of decentralization and coordination in order to Program MoreCulture. The PNCAs a tool for guiding strategies for the implementation of public cultural policies, guidelines and guides the lines of action More Culture, Focused on the democratization of access to goods and services, classification of urban environments and generating employment and income.

In order to expand and ensure the joint construction, taking into account regional specificities, and to identify programs, projects and initiatives in the country, the Program More Culture opted for the meetings of strategic planning in the states, with the participation of state management of culture and representatives of civil society.

The schedule of planning consists of two phases: an internal meeting with the state Department of Culture, to discuss the structure of the Management Unit, the composition of the Monitoring Committee, the investment budget of the program in the state and the wording of the covenants on actions and targets for the years 2009 and 2010, through the definition of investment and compensation.

The second time - open to public sector institutions such as state departments (Education, Labor, Social Development, Tourism, Planning, etc.), associations of municipalities, regional banks, board of directors of municipal culture, universities, councils and culture institutions civil society, including trade unions of artists, forums, culture, language sectoral forums, equipment managers and cultural centers, non-governmental bodies, network of the Culture Points and SESC, SESI, SEBRAE, UNICEF and other similar institutions - is reserved to show general More CultureBased on the definition of actions and investment in the state budget for the

construction of basic plans for implementing the program. This has been very positive with a view to decentralize the actions of More CultureTherefore sets spending for the years 2009 and 2010 with shared resources between the federal and state governments.

In the end, are formatted management strategies and enforcement powers of each partner and the mechanisms of participation and social control. The work group are consolidated by the Management Unit, responsible for drawing up the implementation of the Program in the state. This plan is the instrument of strategic planning for the management of More CultureWith the establishment of actions, targets, responsible, monitoring mechanisms, schedule of activities and evaluating the implementation and results of the program.

The participation of departments and state foundations of culture, formatting Management Units and composition of the State Committees for Monitoring, has been instrumental in building the implementation plan of the program with the definition of local partners and implementation strategies of actions. Likewise, the participation of institutions invited to the construction plan has been essential to make compromises between public agencies and civil society sectors, as well as to form a pact to ensure the achievement of goals and results to be achieved by More Culture by the year 2010.

Were conducted between September and December, the strategic plans for implementing the program in 12 states: Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Pernambuco, Piauí, Sergipe, Bahia, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina . Participated in the meetings more than 600 people.


Making Program More Culture State policy places for the Ministry of Culture challenges of advancing the field of actions, improving the already developed in 2008 and running the other provided by the program. In this sense, should be implemented in early 2009, the scale measure More Culture and the announcement for the selection of periodicals Cultural Content. The PromoArt and Spaces More Culture enter into its second stage.

New municipalities will benefit from the modernization of public libraries and reading agents are selected from 2009. The first announcement of the national selection Cine More CultureWhich will be released in February 2009, will train about 200 people to promote the film society activity around the country, linked by networks of the Brazilian Association of Documentary and Short (ABD), Forum Experiments Popular in Audiovisual (FEPA), and the National Association of Residents (CONAM).

In the field of federal cooperation, the challenge is to develop a culture of systemic management and interactive with the states and municipalities and civil society, advancing the implementation of Sistema Nacional de Cultura (SNC). With the significant accession states to the program in 2009 the Ministry of Culture will meet the goal of involving other states and move towards the signing of cooperation agreements with municipalities. In this sense, the proposal to the Deputy Head of Federative Affairs of the Presidency (FAS) to articulate the mayors elected and reelected for a day in Brasilia in early 2009, during which the program More CultureAs a member of the Social Agenda, will be presented, will enable the Ministry of Culture to create a systematic strategy of awareness, mobilization and coordination with the municipalities.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Culture is organizing seminars state of cultural management, in partnership with state departments, geared toward municipal managers, in order to discuss the implementation of the Program More Culture. The goal is to inform and equipping managers about the importance of public policy for culture in the development of the city, entering into his government plans to create government agencies, funds and cultural councils, and the holding of municipal plans, institutionalizing, thus, the basis of policy and regulation for municipalities

set goals with the actions of the Program.

The exercise of intersectoral coordination is another major challenge. It is for the Ministry of Culture to continue the procedures and standards for the integration of public policies for culture between the public and civil society, articulating the implementation of the More Culture with the implementation of Sistema Nacional de Cultura (SNC) and promotion FlatNational Culture (PNC).

The expansion of alliances also constitutes an important challenge for 2009, both with government and civil society. The perspective is to expand arches participation of civil society, as well as private companies committed to sustainable and integral development of the country.

Thus, the Program aims to join forces, public and private, to advance strategies that reduce poverty and ensure rights, bringing more Brazilians to the status of citizens, is relevant to all sectors involved with the strengthening and growth of the economy and the development of the country.

It is important that such strategies will have more chances of success in that they are allied to the strengthening of social capital. The participation and social control are transforming elements of public-private relationship in its broadest sense. In 2009, the More Culture incentive to invest in the organization and social participation, such as the newly created Committee for Culture of the Territory of Citizenship Curu-Aracatiaçu/CE. The pilot project developed by civil society, with support from More CultureShould be expanded to other areas.

The diversity of actions aimed offered to the Territories of Citizenship, for More Education and the Revitalization of San Francisco will be expanded in 2009 and links with public banks gained new strength with the expansion of pilot-tested in 2008.

The challenges are put to the effective implementation of More CultureSo that it becomes, increasingly, a program of social inclusion and that culture is at the center of public policy. We intend, as it refers to Article No. 22 of Agenda 21 for Culture:

"To promote expression as a basic dimension of human dignity and social inclusion, subject to the grounds of gender, age, ethnicity, descapacidade, poverty or any other discrimination, which makes the full enjoymentfreedoms. The fight against exclusion is a struggle for the dignity of all people.




President of the Republic

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

Minister of Culture

Juca Ferreira

Secretary for Institutional Articulation and Executive Coordinator of the Program More Culture

Silvana Meireles

Coordinator - General Action Program More Culture

Monica Miller

Coordinator - General Coordination and Integration Action Program More Culture

Maria Claudia Canto Cabral

Coordinator - General Federative Relations Program More Culture

Fabiano dos Santos Piuba

Executive Coordinator of the Program More Culture

Secretariat for Institutional Articulation (SAI)

Esplanada dos Ministerios

Block B, 3rd floor

Brasília - DF, 70068-900

Graphic Design

NCS Design Rio


Tetê Catalan

Chico Gadelha

Rodrigo Montenegro

Angela Carvalho