Welcome to the Beadle HAL Home Page!

                     Beadle HAL Facilitator: Mrs. Julie Hahn  

 The High-Ability Learners (HAL) program at the middle school level is different from the elementary program. HAL at the middle level is not a pull-out program in which the students meet regularly with the HAL Facilitator. Instead, the majority of differentiation takes place in the classroom under the guidance of the classroom teacher.

Students may meet with the HAL facilitator for special projects or units at various times throughout the year. Students also have the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities such as math competitions, quiz bowls, and the Scripps spelling bee. HAL students have the opportunity to attend seminars throughout the year.

The best way to contact me is by email:  jlhahn@mpsomaha.org

Follow Beadle Middle School HAL on Twitter:  @BMSHAL_Hahn

Helpful Websites for Parents and Teachers

Class Links

Greater Nebraska Science and Engineering Fair

GNSEF is a regional fair that includes much of the eastern portion of Nebraska, bounded on the east by the Missouri River and on the west by Clay county. Anyone in grades 6-12 attending school in this region is eligible to compete.

Hoagies Gifted Web Site

Hoagies' Gifted Education Page is the "All Things Gifted" resource for parents, educators, administrators, counselors, psychologists, and even gifted kids and teens themselves!

Middle School students wanting to enroll in ACT or SAT

University Talent Search Information

Millard Public Schools: Goal and Philosophy of HAL

This is a direct link to the Millard web page that discusses the goals and philosophy of the HAL program.

National Association for Gifted Children

National Gifted organization supporting the potential of highly gifted learners.

NE Association for the Gifted

This site will take you to many other valuable gifted sites.