7th Syllabus

2014-2016 Syllabus- Mrs. Will, Science Instructor




A - 100% - 90%

B - 89% - 80%

C - 79% - 70%

D - 69% - 60%

F - 59% and Below

Note: A stamp is sometimes given to work that indicates you have the skill or demonstrate understanding of a concept that was practiced. A stamp equals 100%.


Online Research

Class Discussion

Laboratory reports


In-Class Work

Bell Work

Science Notebook

Dissection Labs

Tests and Quizzes

Your Grade is weighted as follows:

    • Quizzes and Tests combined will be 60% of your grade.
    • Assignments, Online Research, Class Discussion, Laboratory Reports, Projects, Daily Work, Bell Work, Spiral work combined will be 40% of your grade.

Textbook - iScience by McGraw Hill 2015


1. Students will come to class prepared with:

    • science notebook, composition notebook, and appropriate writing utensil
    • current work opened and ready
    • the days assignment completed before class
    • and read any instructions on the board or screen and completed it thoughtfully i.e. Bell Work

2. Students will come to class on time

    • “On Time” means that you are in my classroom getting materials ready and seated, working on Bell Work when the Tardy Bell rings, not running into the room as the bell rings!
    • Time between classes and/or during lunch time is an appropriate time to take care of bathroom stops, office visits, etc.
    • These will not be allowed after instruction has begun
    • Only one student will be allowed out of class at a time
    • A class log of students leaving and returning to my classroom will be kept

3. Students will be courteous and well-mannered. Examples include:

    • saying please and thank you
    • listening while others are talking
    • talking only when it is your turn
    • using other peoples belongings only after asking permission
    • modeling good character attributes
    • follow all Science Safety Rules
    • using the pencil sharpener only after Mrs. Will is finished giving the classroom instructions for the day or has finished lecturing.
    • Thanks!

4. Absent students will promptly complete all missing work

    • Each assignment is designed to help you learn in a step-by-step manner. If you do not do an assignment, you miss one of the steps. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the assignment. Use the “Ask 3 before me” method -
      1. Ask a student what you missed in class
      2. Ask another student
      3. Ask a 3rd student before you ask me!
    • You can check the Lesson plans page on my website
    • You can check the Lesson plans in the hall
    • If you still can't figure out what lesson was presented and work was required, please ask. But do so when I am not starting class or lecturing.

5. Full credit is given only when the assignment is completed on time.

In science each days work builds on the previous days work

6. Expectations for outdoor class work

At times we will be spending extended periods outside making observations, taking measurements, and gathering data. I have very high expectations for all my students in these situations! Each activity is unique and therefore has different rules and expectations. These will be shared with you before doing them. If you choose not to follow these you will be given an alternative assignment by yourself for the duration.

7. The teacher- NOT the clock or the bell- dismisses the students to the next class. Please stay seated until you are dismissed.

8. Expectations for Use of Technology

We will be using technology (i.e. laptops, notepads, cell phones etc.) when available and as applicable to our lesson. When I allow you to use technology in my class, I expect you to use it appropriately and wisely. While technology can make a learning environment more interesting, you are expected to adhere to all technology rules of my classroom as well as Morrison Public School. Using technology incorrectly may result in you being banned from using technology in my classroom. Furthermore, depending on the severity of the misuse, you may be banned from technology as stated in the Student Handbook.

9. Science Fair

The 2015-2016 Science Fair will be held on NOVEMBER 19, 2015, in the Will MIller Gymnasium. It is a requirement for my class, not an option. There will be specific due dates handed out in class for different parts of your science fair project. The work that is due on the specific due dates will have a grade assigned to them. The completed Science Fair project will be worth a test grade in my class.

Sign Up for Remind Text 81010 Message 20167thsci

How to Contact Me Email Address: tammywill@morrisonps.com; Phone: 405-226-7453

Conference Period: 8:15 - 9:00 School Phone Number: 580-724-3307

District Website: www.morrison.k12.ok.us Facebook: Will’s Science Site

I do have a personal site but please do not contact me here regarding school questions.

Mrs. Will’s Website: https://sites.google.com/a/morrisonps.com/mrs-will-s-science/home OR go to the district website, click on Faculty, then click on my name!


If a student breaks a rule stated above, the following consequences will occur:

    • Verbal reminder
    • Conference with Student
    • Contact parents
    • If an issue cannot be resolved, then the student will conference with myself, parents, and Mrs. Reynolds.

LATE WORK - Students are expected to turn each assignment in on time! 7th grade students will be given a grace period of the 1st 9 weeks in order to adjust to the “No Late Work” rule. They will be able to turn in an assignment up to 2 days late until the end of the 1st 9 weeks. After that time, all assignments will be turned in on or before the announced due date. Habitually turning in late work or habitually NOT turning in work will be addressed by Mrs. Will with a conference with Parent, Student, Principal and Counselor and appropriate action will be taken.

MAKE-UP WORK - Students are expected to make up any work missed due to any absence or tardiness. Work assigned during unexcused absence will be due on the day of the student’s return, and teachers are under no obligation to extend deadlines, reschedule tests or other assessment, or re-teach material missed. Student with excused absence (including school activities) shall received a day for each day absent to make up work or take test.

Please Sign and Return this page ONLY to Mrs. Will. Thanks!

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I have read the before mentioned and understand the responsibilities and expectations explained above in the Will’s 7th Science Course Syllabus 2015-16. I furthermore agree to abide by them.

Parent(s) and Guardian(s):

Please discuss this syllabus with your child, then sign and date below.

_________________________________ __________________

Child’s Name Date

_________________________________ __________________

Student’s Signature Date

_________________________________ __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date