

Hello! I am a theorist in condensed matter and cold atoms physics. I am a lecturer (assistant professor) in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Monash University in Melbourne. This site is devoted to my research group and here you could find our research interests, publication list, collaboration network, and other information.

Brief Research interests

— Dirac materials; graphene, topological insulators, and Weyl semimetals

— Optical phenomena in solids; excitons and trions

— Correlations and transport in bilayer systems; electron-hole condensation; Coulomb drag effect

— Cold atom physics; Fermi-polarons, solitons in bosonic and fermionic superfluids

— Topological Kondo insulators

— Moire patterns; electronic structure of twisted bilayer graphene

United States-Australia Transpacific Condensed Matter and Cold Atoms Colloquium

I am one of organizers of United States-Australia Transpacific Condensed Matter and Cold Atoms Colloquium. The Colloquium will present novel developments in condensed matter and cold atomic physics. It aims to enrich connections between the physics communities.


Undergraduate, Honour, and Master's students are welcomed. There are a number of interesting, easy going, and publishable projects that are waiting for you. The research topics are Dirac materials, excitonics and electron-hole bilayers.

Contact information

112 Room, the School of Physics and Astronomy

Email: Dmitry [dot] Efimkin [at] Monash [dot] edu