Research, Teaching, and Service

Innovative Research: What I investigate scientifically

Induced Seismicity - Discerning and characterizing cases of seismicity induced by enhanced oil and gas operations (general audience summary).

Subduction Zones - Examining relationships between earthquakes and newer discoveries of slow slip and fault tremor (e.g., Colella et al., 2017; Fasola, et al., 2019).

Big Data Analytics - High performance computing and machine learning to analyze years of continuous seismic data for hidden patterns (e.g., Skoumal et al., 2016).

Field-based Approach - Frequently deploy seismometers that improve datasets to help answer research questions (data available at IRIS DMC).
Education Research - Mixed-methods approaches to investigating strategies for education and public outreach (e.g., Brudzinski et al., 2019; Karjack et al., 2022).

Engaging Education: What I develop in the classroom

Practice for Confidence - Frequent and recursive assignments for students to solidify skills that build confidence in abilities. (e.g., Brudzinski and Sikorski, 2010)

Analytical Improvement - Constant course revision through analysis of student learning metrics (e.g., Brudzinski, 2018).

Realistic Assignments - Full integration of computer software tools into assignments to simulate real geoscience analysis (e.g., Brudzinski et al., 2021).

Scientific Method - Students do science instead of memorizing the results of science (e.g., Sit and Brudzinski, 2017).

Prospective Students: What I am looking for in students

Problem Solving - Aptitude for figuring out solutions to problems using multiple strategies.

Physical Insights - Interest in better understanding the Earth's geophysical relationships.

Computational Approach - Experience using programs to make data analysis easier and more robust.

Hazards Focus - Desire to use science to better understand hazards that will lower risks for society.

Training and Mentoring: What I provide for students

Integrative Thinking - Purposeful guidance on how to combine results from multiple disciplines into a cohesive interpretation.

Computational Resources - High-performance machines, coursework dedicated to computational skills, and support staff to assist development.

Support for Mental Health - Commitment to work-life balance, weekly one-on-one meetings, and support for overcoming life's obstacles.

Successful Employment - Former students hold positions in academia, industry, consulting, and state/federal/international government.

Broader Impacts: What I give back to the community

Media Engagement - Frequent media appearances, interviews, and expanding social media contributions.

Computational Training - Volunteer training for hundreds of unenrolled students per year via short courses, workshops, and orientations.

Public Outreach - Inspiring interest in STEM through school programs, general audience lectures, and stadium seismology.

Industry Consulting - Formed GeoSeismic Analytics LLC to aid oil and gas operators dealing with induced seismicity.

Collective Impact - Leading the Building Equity and Capacity in Geoscience integrative group for Subduction Zones in 4 Dimensions.