5 Multiply Fractions & Area

Chapter 5: Multiplying Fractions and Area

Section 5.1

5.1.1 Representing Fraction Multiplication

5.1.2 Describing Parts of Parts

5.1.3 Calculating Parts of Parts

5.1.4 Multiplying Mixed Numbers

Section 5.2

5.2.1 Making Sense of Decimal Multiplication

5.2.2 Fraction Multiplication Number Sense

Section 5.3

5.3.1 Rearranging Areas

5.3.2 Area of a Parallelogram

5.3.3 Area of a Triangle

5.3.4 Area of a Trapezoid

Review Key Ideas

5.1.1 Fraction multiplication area model

5.1.2 Portion of a portion diagram

5.1.3 Fraction multiplication without diagram

5.1.4 Multiply mixed numbers

5.2.1 Decimal multiplication

5.3.1 Base, height, perpendicular, area of irregular figures

5.3.2 Area of parallelogram, parallel, parallelogram

5.3.3 Area of a triangle

5.3.4 Area of a trapezoid

Click on the numbers to the right for help with each section.

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