One more Christmas season to celebrate and time to exchange greetings and joy. But what is at the heart of Christmas? Word became flesh. God became man. In John. 18: 37. Jesus himself says – “for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.” This makes sure once again that it is not Satan; it is God who is in control of the world. The One who crush the head of snake (Gen.3.15), bring light to people in darkness (Isa.9.2), Almighty God fulfilling his promise in the fullness of time. So birth of Jesus was not an accident. It was all part of God’s plan. Secondly Our God is a holy God. When the angel appeared to the shepherds there was a great brightness. This was the Glory of the Lord and manifestation of the God who is a holy. The shepherds (confronted with this glory of a holy God and knowing themselves as unholy) were terrified. But soon they discovered, they need not fear because as we read in Luke.2.11. A saviour is born to you. So thirdly Our God is a God of love. Bible teaches not only about God’s holiness and judgement, it also teaches about His love. John. 3.16. God so loved the world.

There may be people feeling loneliness and emptiness in life. Do not be afraid. A saviour is born to you. He cares for you and loves you and by his holy spirit can help you. This Good News is for all the people. But what is salvation? And how should you respond to the truth that God is in control of this world and he is a holy and loving God?

Shepherds said let us go to Bethlehem, and see the thing that has happened which the Lord has told us. So they hurried off and found the new born baby.

During this Christmas may we like the shepherds hear the God’s word and truth, and then by faith may we seek and find Jesus not just as a baby but as the risen Saviour and living God. May our Christmas celebrations, house to house carol rounds and singing and all other programmes be a blessing to us and witness to Christ the Truth. God loves you.

With prayers and Christmas and New Year greetings.


Rev. Mathew P.