"Helping Students to be Healthy, Safe & Ready to Learn"

Welcome to the Maple Lake School District Health Office Website

        Jackie Wurm - Health Aide

  Susan Stejskal RN, BSN, MA - Licensed School Nurse

Amity Diebold RN, BSN- Licensed School Nurse

Monday - Friday:  7:45-3:15

Health Office Phone: 320-963-7482  Fax: 320-963-6584



Our goal in the health office is to keep students healthy as possible so they can achieve academic success in the classroom.  The Health Office is intended to serve students experiencing significant illness or injury during the school day, and also for students who take medications or have medical treatments.  Please contact us if you have any questions or we should be aware of any specific health needs for your student!


KINDERGARTEN Required Immunizations:

·        Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DtaP): 5 doses (5th dose not required if 4th dose was given after 4th birthday)

·        Polio:  4 doses (4th dose not required if 3rd dose was given after 4th birthday)

·       Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR): 2 doses

·       Hepatitis B: 3 doses

·        Varicella/chicken pox:  2 doses OR date of disease (month/year) of disease 


The Minnesota Law requires that 7th grade students have the immunizations against these serious diseases updated before starting school.  The school will need the date that these immunizations were given. You can do this by sending in a copy from your clinic record or by calling the school office with the dates.

·        MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) – 2 doses required

·      Tdap Booster (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis{whooping cough}) – 2nd dose required

·      Hepatitis B series (typically done as an infant)

·      Meningococcal (meningitis)

·      Varicella (chickenpox)  - 2nd  dose required– If your student has had chickenpox they will not need the varicella vaccine (we will need the month/date your child had chicken pox)


Students who become ill during the school day should report to the health office.  If needed, they will be sent home after contact is made with their parents or guardians.  The school nurse / health aid is responsible for assessing student's health needs and contacting parents/guardians regarding illness or injury.  Students must be seen in the health office for examination by the school nurse or health aid before contacting parents to go home. 


The school nurse or health aide will provide basic first-aid care for minor injuries sustained during school.  The nurse or health aide will contact parents or guardians for any injury that requires more than basic first-aid care.  For serious and life-threatening injuries 9-1-1 will be called and parents/guardians contacted.


Prescription Medications: Per school policy, students who take prescription medications during the school day must have an authorized physician's order and parent signature.  All prescription medications must be stored in the health office, in their original container and administered by the school nurse or health aid.

 New orders are required for medications every school year.  

Over-the-counter Medications: Parents must authorize over the counter medications such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, cough syrup, Benadryl and tums.   The health office will provide Tylenol & ibuprofen in pill / liquid forms. All other medications must be brought to school in the original over-the -counter container. Ziplock bags containing medications will not be accepted.  High School Students who desire to carry over-the counter medications must obtain approval from parents and the school nurse.  

Forms for medication authorization are available on this webpage.  Please click on the FORMS & RELATED INFORMATION link in the upper left hand side of this page.

Reasons to send students home, or keep them at home

Temperature of 100 degrees or higher:  Students should not return to school until fever free for 24 hours without taking medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen

Vomiting or Diarrhea:  Students should stay home for 24 hours after the last episode


Parents or guardians will be contacted if the nurse or health aide finds red and/or swollen eyes with discharge that resemble characteristics of pinkeye.  The nurse/health aide cannot diagnose pinkeye, but will advise parents or guardians to see a doctor for testing, diagnosis, and obtaining medications or treatment.  Children who receive a diagnosis of pinkeye may remain in school. 

Strep Throat

Symptoms that are similar to those of strep throat will be reported to parents. Students that are diagnosed with strep and  treated must remain out of school for 12 hours after starting antibiotics.


The nurse/health aide will contact parents/guardians if a student has symptoms similar to those of Impetigo.  Students who are diagnosed with Impetigo should remain out of school for 24 hours after starting antibiotics.   


Students that contract ringworm must remain at home until treatment has been started or lesion(s) cannot be completely covered.  If the lesion(s) are on the scalp, students must remain at home for 24 hours after treatment has been started.  Because most medical experts recommend medications to treat lesions on the scalp or those who have 3 or more ringworm lesions on the body, a medical provider's note is required to return to school for those who have contracted ringworm

Head Lice

Maple Lake Public Schools follows guidelines and recommendations from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Minnesota Department of Health in dealing with head lice.  Guidelines are as follows:

1. When a student is identified as having head lice, the parent/guardian is contacted and notified.  If live lice are present, the parent/guardian is asked to come to school and take their child home so that the treatment process can begin.  Information for this process is provided to parents.  If only nits (lice eggs) are found, the student may return to class and parents are notified with a phone call.  Information on treatment is provided for nit removal at home, and parents/guardians are advised to check all family members present in the home and clean personal belongings. 

2. When live lice are found, the grade level of the student who had live lice receives notes via the classroom teacher.  The note is precautionary and informative and provides information to parents on checking their children for head lice, as a case was found in their child's grade level.  No specifics are revealed about which classroom, gender, or other specifics about which child it was that had head lice.

3. Students may return to class when treatment has been completed and no live lice are seen. When the child returns to school the head may be inspected by the school nurse/health aide, upon request.  A follow-up check may be performed 7-10 days later.

4. Classroom-wide screenings are not performed, but children are checked on a case by case basis when concerns arise.


Students that test positive for covid should not return to school until fever free for 24 hours without taking medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen.