Maine West ChromeDepot

The ChromeDepot is currently providing remote support and taking appointments for repairs. Please contact us for more details.

Chrome Depot Hours and Contact Information:

Monday - Friday: 7:30AM to 3:45PM*

Students: Request support for your Chromebook

Questions: Email the ChromeDepot or call us at 847-827-7551

*When school is in session, hours may vary on non-school days. Closed evenings, weekends and school holidays.

Student Expectations

  • Students are expected to have their school issued Chromebook at school every day.

  • Students are expected to keep their Chromebook in good repair.

  • Students are expected to visit the ChromeDepot as soon as possible if their school issued Chromebook is damaged, lost or stolen.

Chromebook Loaner Programs

Daily Loaners: A student may check out a Chromebook for use at school during the school day if they forget to bring or charge their school issued Chromebook. Students may borrow a courtesy loaner up to three times per month. Daily loaners must remain in school and be returned by 3:30 the same day they were checked out. Daily loaners not returned by the end of the school day will be disabled after 3:30 pm and count as two check out days.

Long-Term Loaners: a student will be temporarily assigned a Chromebook to use at school and home as long as needed while their school-issued Chromebook is being evaluated or repaired.

Chromebook Problems?

Students, please visit the ChromeDepot if you are having any problems with your Chromebook. We’ll quickly evaluate your Chromebook and let you know how long it will take to fix and if the repair is covered (free) or if there is a fee. We fix many issues the same day and at no cost. If we need to send your device out for repair or order replacement parts, we’ll provide a loaner Chromebook for you to use until your Chromebook is repaired. Questions? Here is a link to District 207’s Chromebook Program Summary or contact the ChromeDepot for more information.