Math 80 Online, 16 weeks

Math 80 Online, 16 weeks

How Does the Class Work Overall?

Our class is entirely online, including the final exam. Students will learn the material from watching instructional videos (some of which are created by yours truly), forum posts, and reading the textbook. We will have online participation that is mandatory to remain in the class in the form of online forums where you can ask questions about the homework problems as they come up, and where you can get feedback from myself and each other. In addition to forum posts, we will have homework, quizzes, and exams.

Adding the Class

I will be adding students during the first week of classes depending on availability of space. Please see Adding Classes at CCSF and please submit a 'Class Add Authorization Request' in Web4. I will then approve or deny it based upon availability.

Initial Contact

After you register be sure to regularly check your e-mail account. Approximately 1-2 weeks before the class starts I will send an e-mail to all registered students with important information about the class.

Mandatory Meetings

None. Our class is entirely online and asynchronous (so we have no scheduled meetings, in person or virtually).


The online 'hub' that will have many of our important class resources (forums for announcements, forum postings, homework assignments and quizzes, the gradebook, etc.) is located on a CCSF system called 'Canvas'. You will have to set up your Canvas account (CCSF will send you instructions on how to do that a few days before classes begin). Canvas is our way of communicating to each other and keeping track of what's happening in the class.

The Textbook

We'll be using the book 'Probability and Statistics' by the Open Learning Initiative (OLI), The textbook is free and it will available in our class in Canvas.

Drop Policy

Students who do not post in the forums for two weeks will be dropped from the class. Also students who do not complete any activity in the first week (homework, posting in the forums, etc) of class will be dropped .

Online Course Support Center

If you need assistance with technical aspects of the online course please contact the Online Course Support Center.