Summer Session 2024.  German 1A (City Online) will be offered in the Summer Session as an 8-week course.  Registration begins on April 15.  NOTE:  Students who purchase the course material (Deutsch: Na Klar!) through Follett Opt-In for the Summer Session 2024 will retain digital access through the end of the Fall Semester 2024, which will enable them to take German 1B at no additional cost for course material.    

New Credit students must apply to CCSF BEFORE they can register for classes.  Quick registration guide

Waitlist: A&R will contact students, in order of position on the waitlist, if a space opens up in the class.  You have 24 hours to respond and add the course, after which time the notification expires. Monitor your CCSF mail often for this notification. If you are still on the waitlist on June 3, contact the instructor on the first day of class re: adding the class.  Waitlist information.    

Request to Add the Class (other than waitlisted students):  Please do not submit a Class Add Request (in myRAM) unless you have confirmed with the instructor via email that space is available.   All other requests will be denied. 

Prospective 1B Students - Fall 2024 - Registration starts May 1.  

If you have taken the prerequisite course of German 1A at CCSF with a grade of C or better, no further action is required to enroll in German 1B.  HOWEVER, if you have acquired German language skills in another way (in high school, other higher-ed classes, e.g.) you must complete the "prerequisite clearance" process to show your proficiency level in order to enroll in the class by either 1) taking a placement test or 2) supplying a transcript from high school or another college. You may register for the course before your prerequisite clearance has been processed. You do not need to wait for it to be processed. However, in order to remain in the course, you will need to have the clearance processed no later than one 7-day period after the start of instruction.  Otherwise, you will be dropped from the course. Read more about the prerequisite clearance and the German placement test.  NOTE:  Students who had purchased the course material through Follett Opt-In for the Summer Session 2024, will retain digital access through the end of the Fall Semester 2024.  

Meet the Instructor: Leslie A. Pahl   

Contact Frau Pahl at with your questions about this course before you enroll.  

German 1A (CRN 51064-931) Summer Session 2024 Syllabus

German 1A  (Section 931) Spring 2024 Syllabus

German 1A (Section 932) Spring 2024 Syllabus

Application and registration information


TEXTBOOK MATERIAL:  You can purchase 180-day access to the course material (Deutsch: Na Klar! 8th edition) via the CCSF Bookstore/Follett Access.  See the syllabus for details and current price, generally between $70 - $75).   Tuition waivers may be available through Free City. (Check the website for details.)  

German 1A & 1B are completely online courses designed for students who have no previous knowledge of the German language (1A) or for students who passed 1A or place into German 1B through a placement test. 

German 1A & 1B (3 Units each) cover material equivalent to a first semester of German.  It is UC and CSU transferrable as a UC Area 3 course or a CSU GE Breadth Requirements Area C course.  German 1A together with the continuation course German 1B = German 1.  German 1B will be offered in the Fall Semester 2024.  

German 1A and/or 1B are also useful for those with prior German language experience who would like to refresh their knowledge for work and/or travel and communicating with family and friends. 

Why learn German?  Let the Goethe Institute give you ten good reasons.  

Can You be a Successful Online Student?  Yes, You Can! 

Watch the video below to find out what it takes to be a successful online student.

Canvas: Click here to view an orientation video of Canvas, CCSF's course management system.  

German 1A/1B are fully online and asynchronous classes.  This is also not a self-paced course: students will have regularly assigned due dates for assignments. Exams (chapter tests and the final)  must be completed within a designated timeframe. The CCSF Canvas course is available 24/7.   German 1A & 1B are part of CityOnline.  For more information about CityOnline visit the City Online website.