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Dismissal Protocol - End of Day Change
If your child has an end of the day change, you must send email the office and teacher it should include the child's full name, homeroom, and the specifics of the change in routine.
News & Information
Primary School Spotlight
See Administration page for older Newsletter articles (link at the top of this page)
2024-2025 School Year Information
Bus Routes 2022-2023
REMINDERS: Please be sure to collect and send in your BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION! Every little bit helps!! Lunenburg Primary School Code 130683, Thank you!
RevTrak Link (online payments)
Revtrak tutorial (online payment system)
subscribe to district and school calendars
see last day of school information
Faculty & Staff Resources
Stay Connected with Us!
Use the new Stay Connected page to update student & family contact information, access grades, make online payments & learn about district news & information.
For returning students, in order to update registration forms or make payments on your child’s lunch account at the Revtrak webstore, you must have a Powerschool Parent Portal account. Please contact your child’s school to create/update your Parent Portal account username and password.