3/9/13 - Elaine Blaisdell Appointed Principal of Lunenburg Primary School

Post date: Mar 11, 2013 1:22:42 AM

Originally posted 9 Mar 2013

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Elaine Blaisdell as principal of the Lunenburg Primary School. During the time that she has served as interim principal, she has demonstrated the vision and the commitment critical for the position. Ms. Blaisdell, in conjunction with the faculty, staff, and Assistant Principal Heidi Champagne, successfully integrated an additional grade into the school smoothly and efficiently. Parents, faculty, and staff provided the Principal Search Committee with numerous positive examples of her leadership and the significant positive impact she has already made upon the school's climate. Ms. Blaisdell’s creative problem-solving skills and extensive connections to the community combined when she recently organized retired teachers and administrators to assist with the school’s benchmarking assessments. This allowed teachers to continue to provide instruction in classrooms while skilled, knowledgeable educators collected important data for decision making to improve student performance. Earlier this year, she also met the challenge of a new three-tiered bus schedule with the tenacity necessary to arrive at a safe, effective dismissal procedure.

These are a few examples of the “all hands on deck” approach that Ms. Blaisdell has become known for at the Primary and reflect her unwavering belief that it takes everyone - parents, teachers, and staff - working together to “make it work” for students. She consistently communicates the importance of the primary years as critical learning years and the need to frame mistakes as learning opportunities.

Ms. Blaisdell has served the students of Lunenburg for twenty-seven years, first as a special education teacher and since 2003 as Special Services Coordinator. As Interim Principal she has already established deep connections with students, parents, and the faculty and brings stability in a time of significant change. Ms. Blaisdell understands the needs of the building and will continue to collaborate with the faculty, staff, and parents in moving the building forward.


Loxi Jo Calmes
