English Language Learner Program

English Language Learner Programs and Acronyms:

English Language Learner programs across the state and across the country use a variety of terms to describe programs. This paragraph is intended to collect many of those terms so that any searches of those program names or acronyms conducted on our district website will bring a visitor to this page.

DLL - Dual Language Learner

EBL - Emergent Bilingual Learner

EL - English Learner, also known as Language Learner (ELL)

ELE - English Learner Education

ELL - English Language Learner, also known as English Learner (EL)

ESL - English as a Second Language

ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages

LAT - Language Acquisition Team

SEI - Sheltered English Immersion AND/OR Sheltered English Instruction.

Mission Statement

Lunenburg’s English Learner Program supports the Lunenburg Public Schools district mission to provide all students with the skills, confidence, and a passion for life-long learning so that they may find their own paths to successful careers, engaged citizenship, and a rewarding life.