College Visitation Policy & Form

Lunenburg High School juniors (in the spring semester) and seniors are allowed three college visits. Students must complete a "College Visitation Sheet" a minimum of 24 hours prior to the visit. A completed college visitation sheet includes signatures of their school counselor and a parent when it is turned into Mrs. Aro.

Guidance will provide students with a copy of the college visitation sheet or you may print one off above. While on the visit, students are required to obtain a signature from the admissions office, and the sheet is returned to Mrs. Aro in the front office. The absence is only approved if the completed form is returned to Mrs. Aro with the signature of the admissions representative. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of his or her attendance issues, prior to going on a college visit. Students are also responsible for communicating the college visit to their teachers, in advance, and making up work in accordance with the Lunenburg High School Student Handbook. No absence from school, even if the college visitation form is returned, changes the deadline or due date for long term assignments, projects, tests or quizzes.