
How labs are graded:

The grading on labs can change depending on whether or not a formal Lab CER is required.

There are two or three parts to a lab score: The CER, the In-lab paperwork (worksheet, questions, charts, graphs, etc.) and your individual and group work / conduct during the lab itself.

The CER and the Lab paperwork/ in-class lab work will be separate grades.

The lab worksheet will usually be worth around 20-30 points.

The CER writing (when required) will be worth 25 points.

When a Lab CER is required:

  • Lab CER = 25 points
  • In-Lab paperwork = 20 points
  • Total (approx.) = 45 points

Improper behavior / failure to work well with your partners in a lab will cost points!

When a Lab CER is not required total points will vary from lab to lab:

  • In-Lab paperwork = 20 - 30 points
  • Total = 20 - 30 points

Improper behavior / failure to work well with your partners in a lab will cost points!

See the additional information on the CER format and rubric.

ADI Investigations will be scored based on the various parts - primarily the report

lab report format, lab demo, paper towel