6th Grade Netbook Computer Usage Guidlines

September 2012

Dear Sixth Grade Families,

Welcome to 6th Grade! We are writing to review topics related to your students’ netbooks and suggestions for their care and use. We ask that you please read the information below with your child. Your support for this one-to-one device initiative is greatly appreciated.

Charging netbooks:

    • Netbooks need to be charged each night. Chargers should not be brought to school.
    • Do not turn on netbook until its use is required in class.
    • Netbook should not be charged in your student’s bedroom as it may be a distraction to sleeping. A parent’s bedroom or any other consistent spot is suggested.
    • Remember to shut the netbook down once it is fully charged.
    • Students are asked not to use the netbook to play games on the way to school or before instruction begins. Netbooks should only be used in classrooms when directed by a teacher.

Netbooks at home:

    • Students should use netbooks for educational use only. Inappropriate use will have consequences. For example, loss of netbook privileges, lunch detention, parent phone call, etc.
    • Students should have no more than 60 minutes of homework per night. Please contact the teacher if your student is exceeding this time. Unless the assignment specifically states that the netbook is needed for the assignment, the computer may not be needed to complete the assignment.
    • It is suggested that the parent ask, “What do you have to do tonight on your netbook?” “How long will it take you to complete?” Parents are advised to monitor computer use during homework time.
    • It is suggested that students complete homework in a supervised common area, not bedrooms or basement where parents can monitor what students are doing on the netbook.

Laptops at school:

    • Students need to bring netbooks to school each day.
    • Even if you have taken away the netbook at home, please be sure your child brings it to school to complete classwork.
    • If students do not have netbooks in school, it impedes their participation in class, and completion of required work. Students will need to make up work at home.
    • While using the netbook at school or home, students should maintain good posture by sitting up straight with feet flat on the floor.


    • Parents are requested to access Teacher Pages and PowerSchool at least weekly if not daily.
    • What should parents check on Teacher Page?
        • daily, weekly and long term projects/assignments
        • tests and quiz dates
        • calendars
    • What should parents check on PowerSchool?

Netbook Care:

    • Netbook should always be used on a table.
    • Netbooks should be in backpacks at dismissal -- closed and stowed.
    • Netbooks should not be used on the bus on the way to and from school.
  • Netbooks should be closed when walking in hallways.