Welcome to Coach Dale's
World of Computer Science
World of Computer Science
2024 - 2025 Class Schedule
1st Digital Media 2
3rd Comp Sci 1
4th Planning
5th 1st Lunch / Comp Sci 2 / Ind. Study
6th Comp Sci 1
7th Digital Media 2
8th Digital Media 1
Contact Mr. Dale Gauthier ddgauthier@lpssonline.com
Google # 337-205-2253
CS1 - The Students are learning the general concepts of history and current events in technology and computers along with basic computer programming using the C++ Progamming Language and CodeBlocks Software.
CS2 - The Students are learning advanced programming concepts of programming in C++ using CodeBlocks. Students also embark on individual projects using other computer languages and programs such as Thunkable App Developer (app developing) and AdobeAnimate (actionscript 3.0 - basic game design)
Digital Media I - Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator - Students learn the basics of photo editing and graphic design. Students will be given the opportunity to get a Certified Credential at the end of the course.
Digital Media II - Adobe Animate/Dreamweaver - Students learn the basics of animation and graphics through the use of Adobe Animate. Students also learn the basics of web design through the use of HTML and Adobe Dreamweaver. Students will be given the opportunity to get a Certified Credential at the end of course.