
Welcome to my web page! Feel free to contact me at any time regarding your son or daughter's academic progress. Contact me at 303-347-6193 or lturi@lps.k12.co.us

Parent's Rights Opt In/Opt Out: http://littletonpublicschools.net/parents-rights

Fun Facts About Me

Education: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Elizabethtown College

Masters in Education from The College of New Jersey

Total years teaching: 28

Years at Goddard: 20

I am originally from Hopewell, New Jersey and moved to Colorado during the summer of 2002. I have taught in the middle school for 23 years, and I really enjoy working with students at this level. I teach 8th grade Social Studies and coach 8th grade volleyball during the spring. In my spare time, I like to ride my mountain bike, dirt bike, and ski, run and do boxing or just spend time in the mountains!