Survival Guide

3rd Grade Survival Guide


Third grade is a year of MAJOR growth and transition for the student and

parent/ guardian alike. It is a year with greatly increased responsibility and more complicated academic endeavors. Third grade sets the tone for your child’s academic career. Their success is crucial! I have put together a “survival” guide to make clear my grade level policies on homework, discipline, etc. I hope that you will find it useful.

Take Home Practice Policy:

Home Practice is a very important part of school. It is either an extension of work done in class, reinforcement of previously learned skills, or work that was not finished in class for whatever reason that your child would like to take home. As a guarantee I ask that parents sign their child’s Home Practice Sheet (Newsletter) every night, to show that you were able to work together.

Grading Policy:

Your child’s grade will consist of a Daily Grade and a Test Grade. The Daily Grade is made up of class work and class participation. The Test Grade is based on all the tests and quizzes. The Daily Grades will count for 40% and the Test Grades will count for 60% when averaging grades.

Positive Discipline:

We will be using a color chart which will allow the students three chances to change their behavior. If their actions do not change I will contact their parent/guardian. The student will also be signing in a behavior folder to document their behavior at the time. I will also be giving tickets/ tokens out to students who are following direction and are on task. The tickets/tokens will be used at the end of the week for a chance to buy a prize from our classroom treasure chest. I do not believe in singling out or embarrassing a student; I would much rather praise them for their hard work.


We will be taking restroom breaks as a class throughout the day. Your child will also have the opportunity to go to the restroom before/during/after recess, on their way to lunch, and on the way back from PE. If your child has to use the restroom during class time he/she will make up the time missed during recess.

Playground behavior:

It is important to behave properly and play safely on the playground. If your child chooses not to follow direction when given or behave improperly he/she may lose the remainder of recess, classroom tickets as well as participation in Bluebonnet Friday.

Bluebonnet Friday:

Every Friday, I will try having art activities, science experiments or brain games. Students will be given the opportunity to participate through good behavior observed during the week. Bluebonnet Friday is a reward for hard work throughout the week and a fun time for students to participate in art and brain games.

Lion’s Roar:

At the end of each semester period the school host’s a Lions Roar. Office referrals and behavior will play in the teacher’s decision to allow a child to attend Lion’s Roar. Students whom receive two or more referrals and/or move their behavior card 10 or more times during a semester will lose the opportunity to receive Lions Roar. This is a reward for all the hard work students have put in throughout the semester and I am positive that all my students will attend, because I am sure that they are capable of great learning.


The STAAR test is mandated by the state of Texas and it is mandatory that all children take the reading and math section of the test. This test is very serious business! I will be working on STAAR all year and you may see related practice coming home. I ask that your job as a parent/ guardian would be to encourage and assist your child with his or her academics to ensure his or her success.

Show & Tell:

Show and Tell is encouraged and can be a good learning experience for the entire class. However, show and tell should be related to a topic we are currently studying or something that you feel has educational value. Please do not allow your child to bring anything of value to them or your family. If your child would like to bring an animal or something that would require you to be present please give me a call so that I may plan for your visit. I hope to have Show & Tell often.

Phone Calls at School:

There are phones in each classroom; however, they should be used appropriately. Please only call in the event that you have something that cannot wait until your child gets home. DO NOT call just to “chat” with your child. If you need to speak to me, it is best to call during my conference time, 12:10-1:00, or simply leave a message so that I may return your call at an appropriate time. Please keep in mind that a substitute teacher cannot check my messages. Also, if you call towards the end of the day the message might not be checked until after school. If you are calling to change how your child will be picked up please call the office. They will send a message down to me.

Snack Family:

We will be having snacks in the afternoon after P.E. We are hoping to have parents sign up to be part of our snack family. Each family will be responsible for snacks for the class for the whole week. The same guidelines apply for snacks as with any food it must be healthy and nutritional. If you do not wish to participate you are not required to sign up. This is voluntary.

Class T-Shirt:

These will be worn on all field trips, field day and any other class events throughout the year.

Money at School:

There are times that money needs to be brought to school for various reasons. If children bring money to school they must keep it in their backpack at all times. Students are not to leave money in their desk or pockets. Money has a way of “disappearing”. Teachers will not hold money for students unless it is for a school function (field trip, T-shirt, etc.).


Although we have a full time registered nurse at our campus, we do not send a student for minor cuts or bruises. All teachers are provided with a first aid kit in our rooms and the playground for those types of injuries. Also be advised that just because your child may ask to go to the nurse, it is always at the teacher’s discretion whether or not that child needs medical attention. If your child needs to take any type of medication while at school, this will need to be checked in and dispensed through the nurse.

Leaving School Early:

If your child needs to leave early from school, he/she must be checked out through the office. Be sure to bring a picture ID with you. I will be teaching many subjects and many new skills throughout the day and I will use all the time I am given to teach these skills. I ask that you please wait to pick up your child when school lets out. I know that traffic can be bad especially since Bluebonnet has only one road leading to it, but learning is going on until the last minute of the day.


We will have a few class parties throughout the year. Your child may be asked to bring things to contribute to the party. Please make sure that if your child signs up to bring something that he/she gets it to school. The school is only allowed three parties per school year and this year we will be celebrating Winter break, Valentine’s, and Easter. If for any reason you do not wish for your child to participate in a class party, please send written notice in advance so that other arrangements can be made for you child during the scheduled party time. If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday with the class please contact me to make arrangements.


It is inevitable that with this many children in one place that head lice can be spread. The nurse does periodic head checks, but it would help if you could do them at home as well. If lice are found at school, the parents will be called to pick their child up. The child will have to be treated and lice free before allowing him/her to return to school. The nurse gives specific instructions on how your child and home should be treated to get rid of the infestation.

School Supplies:

Please ask your child frequently if there is anything needed at school.


Your child will be issued textbooks in his/her name. If any damage should occur to these books while they are checked out to your child, your child will be responsible for any charges incurred for repair or replacement.

Library Books:

As with textbooks, all library books are checked out to the students and they are responsible for their care while in the child’s use. I have a classroom library in which the student is allowed to use books freely. If any damage is done to these books, your child will be held financially responsible.

Third Grade Rules and Expectations

I will always…

1. Follow directions the first time given.

2. Keep hands and feet to myself.

3. Raise my hand to get up from my seat.

4. Keep my voice at an inside working level.

5. Treat others the way I would like to be treated.

6. Keep my work area clean.