SGO Manager

Unlock the full potential of AchieveNJ’s SGO mandate and efficiently manage and automate the entire process!

Adds fidelity to the process by:

    1. Truly leveraging multiple measures

    2. Objectively tiering

    3. Defining rigor with differentiated challenging/attainable proficiency and growth targets based on LinkIt! LGP (LinkIt! Growth Profile) comparative NJ normed indicators and/or local student achievement trends

    4. Proactively progress monitoring

Accurately and automatically measuring outcomes.

Improves overall efficiency and fosters consistency:

    1. Paperless online administrative management

    2. Consistent with already familiar NJDOE process

    3. Instant access to any LinkIt! data point and the ability to easily add external results

    4. Option to use normed auto-scored K-HS Common Core ELA and Math Benchmarks

    5. Flexible to accommodate virtually all grades and departments

    6. Efficient and consistent templates for manually scored SGOs (e.g., nurses, CSTs, guidance)

    7. Generate NJDOE-like forms and NJSmart ready export files

    8. Saves the average schools 200+ hours per year

LinkIt! SGO Manager Video
LinkIt! SGO Manager Overview.mp4

Click above to view full-screen video