About Me

Contact Information:

Phone: 512.570.3600 ext.43665

E-mail: paloma.tsihlas@leanderisd.org

Tutorials: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:20-8:50 am or by appointment. You may also visit tutorials with the other language arts teachers.

Welcome to my classroom website! I am so excited to have you (or your son/daughter) in my class this year! This is my second year teaching at Wiley and I teach both Pre-AP English Language Arts and Pre-AP Social Studies. I enjoy taking my dog to the dog park, running (more like walking) 5K's, and throwing pottery in my free time. I am an avid reader of all things non-fiction. I can't wait to get to know you.


Should have any questions or concerns throughout the school year please reach out to me! I would love to sit down, or talk over the phone!

Good luck this school year in all your classes!