Phonics Dance

Phonics Dance


Abby is sad!

A-a-a is A! (show your muscles when you say "A")

Students cry, "WAHHHH!"

B-b-b is baby, baby.

B-b-b is B! (rocking your baby)

C says Cah.

C says Cah.

C says Cah.

Cat ~ Meow!


I'm a digging dog.


I'm a digging dog.

D-d-d is D! (pretend to dig)

E e e e e e e e e e e e e

Eddy loves his teddy and Eddy loves E!

(show your muscles when you say "E")

F-f-f Froggy loves flies!

F-f-f Froggy loves flies!

F-f-f is F! (pretend to shove flies into your mouth)

G-g-g is goat, goat!

G-g-g is G!

(Sound like a goat when you say the word "goat".)

H-h-h is happy, happy, happy.


I am happy.

H-h-h is H!

I dot it.

I dot it.


Iggy loves her wiggy and Iggy loves I!

J-j-j is jumping, jumping, jumping.

J-j-j is J!

(Jump each time you say J)

K-k-k. Kissing kangaroos.

K-k-k. Kissing kangaroos.

K-k-k is K!

(Blow a kiss to the teacher when you finish.)

L-l-l is loud lion.

L-l-l is L!

(Roar like a lion.)

M-m-m is mean monster.

M-m-m is M!

(growl like a monster when you say "mean monster".)

N-n-n is nice, nice, nice.


___________ is nice!

N-n-n is N!

(Fill in student's name in blank.)

O-o-o is opera, opera.

O-o-o is O!

(Show your muscles when you say O.)


Popcorn please!

P-p-p is P!

Q-q-q is queen.

PLOP! (Pretend you are putting a crown on your head.)

Q-q-q is Q, your highness. (bow or curtsey)


No rain at recess.

R-r-r is R!

S-s-s. I am smart at school.

S-s-s. I am smart at school.

S-s-s is S!

T-t-t is teacher, teacher, teacher.

T-t-t Mrs. Howard is my teacher.

T-t-t is T!


Fussy, funny, ________'s umbrella.

U-u-u is U! (Show your muscles when you say "U")

V-v-v-v Violin, violin!

V-v-v is V!

(Pretend to play the violin when you say "Violin!")

W-w-w is watermelon.

W-w-w is W wubble-you!

(Make the W with your fingers as you say, "w-w-w.")

X says ks.

X says ks.

X says ks.

The x-rays in the box!

Y-y-y is yakking, yakking.

Y-y-y is Y!

(Then sing, "I will not yak today. I will not yak today. High ho the Dario, I will not yak today.")

Z-z-z is Zipper.

ZIP! Z-z-z is Z!

(Pretend to zip your coat as you say zip.)