

American Sign Language IV Syllabus

Jen Greenstreet

Conference Times: 1st, 3rd & 8th period, 7:30-8:10 (ALL BY APPOINTMENT ONLY)

Phone Extension: 42090


Welcome to American Sign Language IV! This year we are going to continue refining our signing skills. You will be signing more advanced stories, current events, and songs in front of your peers. You will also be learning more about what it takes to become an interpreter as well as making a lesson plan and teaching the ASL III class and possibly some middle school students. We are going to have an AMAZING year! GO SIGNING VIPERS!

Classroom Expectations:

o Students will respect the teacher and peers and have their eyes on him/her when he/she is signing or verbally addressing the class.

o The teacher will respect the students when they have something to say or sign to the class.

o Students will abide by district policy for electronic devices unless instructed otherwise by the teacher

o Students will wear appropriate attire for signing in front of the class.

-Solid color shirts that contrast with skin tone

-Remove loose fitting or distracting jewelry

-Hair needs to stay pulled out of face and eyes

o The teacher will wear appropriate attire for signing in front of the class.

o Students will keep their desks clear of all bags and other supplies not needed for class work.

Students will adhere to recording rules. (if any of these are not in compliance your video will not be graded)

-Do not let your hands leave the screen

-Solid background without distractions (NO WINDOWS)

-Solid color shirt that contrasts with your skin tone so your hands are visible


-Your recording device needs to be on a stable surface (NOT YOUR LAP OR BED)

-Eye level recording

-Do not clip or edit your video together

-Clear lighting, no shadows

-Follow school dress code


o Spiral Notebook (If you would rather write than type on an iPad)

o Pen or Pencil

o iPad (if you can't get one we have a class set)

o Confidence and a great attitude! :D

Grading Ratio: 

o Participation/Deaf Culture: 20%

o Quizzes/Receptive: 20%

o Presentation/Expressive: 35%

o Test: 25%

o Total: 100%

Late Work:

A student may complete a MAJOR assignment/alternative assignment late in tutorials for a maximum grade of 80. ASL students may turn in MAJOR GRADE late work one class period following the original due date. For ICWHW (In-Class Work/HomeWork) assignments, they will all be posted at the beginning of each 6 weeks and will all have their own specific due dates (usually the day that they are assigned they will be checking knowledge of content that day in class), but these have a special extension and no late work penalty.  If the ICWHW has a due date BEFORE the snapshot (middle of the 6 weeks) it MUST be turned in by that Friday (snapshot day).  If the ICWHW has a due date AFTER the snapshot (middle of the 6 weeks) it MUST be turned in by the last Friday of the 6 weeks.


A student has the number of days that they did not attended class as an extension for the assignment. Ex: Missed Monday's class and something was due, it is due Wednesday.

Redo/Retake Policy:

Redo/retakes are allowed once per assignment, with a maximum grade of at least a 80. One quiz redo and one test redo will be allowed per 6 weeks. A student will have one week to meet all requirements for redo/retakes. No retake will be allowed for a semester final. Academic dishonesty will receive a zero and is not eligible for any retakes. 

Redo/Retake Format:

Retakes/redos will have additional work/alternative assignment at the teachers discretion and may change forms. For example, if the test was signed by the teacher, the student will be required to sign it to the teacher.

*Subject to change.