
Welcome to an Expedition of Learning & Growth!

High School should not just be a place to acquire knowledge. Rather, it should be an exploration and an adventure. I look forward to taking you places you have been hesitant to go before; to provoke your interest and skill in areas where that may not always have been the case. I will take you “as you are” and “where you are” and relentlessly challenge you to gradually improve and reach heights of achievement, proficiency, and joy you may not think possible.

Contact: Todd Leupold


512/570-1000 x41139 (please understand that I am not always in my classroom or available to answer calls when I am, but if you leave a voicemail I will respond as soon as I can)

512/677-9962 (Google Voice if one needs to contact me outside the classroom 7 AM to 7:30 PM on school days; 1-5 PM on other days if necessary)

Tutorials: Tuesday - Thursday 7:45 - 8:10 AM (Room #2113)

Afternoons & Other: By appointment 3:40-5:00 PM (I should be available 2-3 afternoons/week)

English Resource OVERVIEW

Functionally, this NOT a sit-and-listen or fill-in-the-blanks class. The 2303 Expedition is an interactive and collaborative learning experience. Academically, these courses focus on building necessary proficiency in English Language Arts in order to help each student obtain greater success both academically and in life and career. These courses are specially designed for students who, for any of a wide variety of reasons (including natural aptitude, learning disabilities, lack of motivation, lack of organizational/study skills, need for greater support, learning style, and more), have previously struggled in this area.

During these courses, we will focus on five primary areas: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking. For each, we will start with an understanding of its purpose and then proceed with basic skills, terminology, and application (doing and practicing). Our primary focus will be on practical and common usage. Daily we will develop our reading, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking skills. We will use the reading and media as a platform for broader learning and life-application.