The Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion

Mission Statement

The Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion seeks to meet a need among philosophers, scholars of religion, specialists of Asian Studies, and other scholars for communication about the great variety of Indian philosophies and religions. The aim is to foster the growth of new ideas and interpretations, a better understanding of the historical and contemporary relevance and importance of these ancient systems and faiths, and the comparative study thereof with other Easten and Western philosophies and religions.

The main function of The Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion is to hold meeetings at the conventions of such scholarly bodies as the American Philosophical Association. At the meetings, scholarly papers are presented, followed by comments and discussion. The Society of Indian Philosophy and Religion also organizes international conferences in India. Members receive discounts in hotel booking and in the registration fee.

Membership is open to anyone. Most members are teachers and scholars in the areas of philosophy, religion, Asian Studies, anthropology, and sociology, and are from Australia, India, UK, and USA. There are also members in such other fields as education and psychology.

To join, write to the address below, enclosing dues (annual dues $35), a check made payable to the Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion. Members also receive a copy of the Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion.


The Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion

Updated on 14 May 2013