Northwest Philosophy Conference


Lewis & Clark College

Portland, Oregon

November 1-2, 2024

Campus Map

Call for Papers

The seventy-fifth annual Northwest Philosophy Conference is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, November 1-2, at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon.

Sally Scholz (Villanova University) will deliver the Keynote Address, Title to be announced.

Abstract to be announced.

There is a $50 registration fee for the conference, payable online at

Papers in any philosophical area are welcome.  The Northwest Philosophy Conference welcomes submissions from women and members of minority groups.

Papers must not exceed a length of 3000 words. On the first page of your paper, include the following items:

1. word count - 3000 words maximum!

2. author's name.

3.academic status (professor, unaffiliated, graduate student).

4. highest earned degree (PhD, MA).

5. institutional affiliation (if any).

6. email address.

7. the paper's title.

8. and an abstract - 100 words maximum!

No more than one paper by the same author can be considered.

Submit your paper as a pdf file to:

Title your file this way:


for example: ArendtHannah.pdf

In the subject header of your email, put:

NPC Paper Submission

Papers must be submitted by October 1.

Notification of acceptance will be made via email.

Each paper will have a commentator. Persons whose papers are accepted are expected to serve as commentators if asked.

Persons interested in commenting should email by October 1, stating their availability and areas of interest. Graduate students who are not yet ABD are encouraged to volunteer.

The Keynote Address will take place at 1:30 Friday afternoon. The conference will conclude at 6:00 Saturday evening.
has a map of the Lewis & Clark College campus.

Places to Stay
lists lodgings that offer a special rate to Lewis & Clark visitors.

Updated 20 April 2024