
Mellon Summer Faculty-Student Research Project

Summer 2015

J. M. Fritzman - Sari Berger and Brandon Vance

Emanation in Kaśmiri Śaivism and Neoplatonism; and Hegel

Week 1

Monday, May 11:

Preliminary discussion of faculty-student collaborative research project: Emanation in Kaśmiri Śaivism and Neoplatonism; and Hegel.

Tuesday, May 12:

Ronnie Littlejohn, "Comparative Philosophy", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

"Shiva", Wikipedia.

"Shaivism", Wikipedia.

"History of Shaivism", Wikipedia.

"Tantra", Wikipedia.

"Kashmir Shaivism", Wikipedia.

"Trika", Wikipedia.

"Kaula", Wikipedia.

"Shaktipat", Wikipedia.

"Abhinavagupta", Wikipedia.

David Peter Lawrence, "Kashmiri Shaiva Philosophy", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Wednesday, May 13:

Edward Moore, "Neo-Platonism", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Lloyd Gerson, "Plotinus", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Thursday, May 14:

Paul Redding, "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

J. M. Fritzman and Kristin Parvizian, “The Extended Mind Rehabilitates the Metaphysical Hegel”, Metaphilosophy 43:5, October 2012, pages 636-658.

J. M. Fritzman and Kristin Parvizian, “Hegel’s Geist—Immodestly Metaphysical!”, The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism, edited by Matthew Altman, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), pages 603-625.

Friday, May 15:

Gina Altamura and J. M. Fritzman, "Hegel's Pyjamas: Refashioning World History in Light of Postcolonial Criticism", Philosophical Frontiers, edited by Richard H. Corrigan and Mary E. Farrell, (Progressive Frontiers Press, 2009), pages 91-120.

Katherine Elise Barhydt and J. M. Fritzman, "German Idealism Meets Indian Vedānta (and Kaśmiri Śaivism)", Comparative Philosophy 4:2, July 2013; pages 1-23.

J. M. Fritzman, Sarah Ann Lowenstein, and Meredith Margaret Nelson, "Kaśmir to Prussia, Round Trip: Monistic Śaivism and Hegel", Philosophy East and West 67:2, April 2017; forthcoming.

Week 2

Monday, May 18:

Robert Van Gulick, "Consciousness", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Pierre Jacob, "Intentionality", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Charles Siewert, "Consciousness and Intentionality", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Tuesday, May 19:

Peter van Inwagen and Meghan Sullivan, "Metaphysics", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Howard Robinson, "Dualism", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Jonathan Schaffer, "Monism", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Leopold Stubenberg, "Neutral Monism", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Wednesday, May 20:

David Papineau, "Naturalism", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Daniel Stoljar, "Physicalism", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

William Seager and Sean Allen-Hermanson, "Panpsychism", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Thursday, May 21:

Michal Just, "Neoplatonism and Paramadvaita", Comparative Philosophy 4:2

Mark S. G. Dyczkowski, The Doctrine of Vibration: An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices of Kashmir Shaivism, (SUNY Press, 1987), pages 1-57.

Friday, May 22:

Dyczkowski, The Doctrine of Vibration, pages 59-98.

Week 3

Monday, May 25:

Memorial Day.

Tuesday, May 26:

Dyczkowski, The Doctrine of Vibration, pages 99-162.

Wednesday, May 27:

Dyczkowski, The Doctrine of Vibration, pages 163-218.

Thursday, May 28:

Moti Lal Pandit, From Dualism to Non-Dualism: A Study of the Evolution of Śaivite Thought, (New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2010), pages vii-xxi & 1-70.

Friday, May 29:

Pandit, From Dualism to Non-Dualism, 71-165.

Week 4

Monday, June 1:

Pandit, From Dualism to Non-Dualism, 166-216.

Moti Lal Pandit, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Śaivism Philosophy, (New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2007), pages vii-xv & 1-32.

Tuesday, June 2:

Pandit, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Śaivism Philosophy, pages 32-85.

Wednesday, June 3:

Pandit, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Śaivism Philosophy, pages 86-154.

Thursday, June 4:

Pandit, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Śaivism Philosophy, pages 155-223.

Friday, June 5:

Debabrata SenSharma, An Introduction to the Advaita Śaiva Philosophy of Kashmir, (Varanasi: Indica Books, 2009), pages 11-60.

Week 5

Monday, June 8:

SenSharma, An Introduction to the Advaita Śaiva Philosophy of Kashmir, pages 61-158.

Tuesday, June 9:

Kamalakar Mishra, Kashmir Śaivism: The Central Philosophy of Tantrism, (Varanasi: Indica Books, 2011), pages 11-72.

Wednesday, June 10:

Mishra, Kashmir Śaivism, pages 73-126.

Thursday, June 11:

Lyne Bansat-Boudon, "On Śaiva Terminology: Some Key Issues of Understanding", Journal of Indian Philosophy 42:1, March 2014, pages 39-97.

Navjivan Rastogi, "Theory of Error according to Abhinavagupta", Journal of Indian Philosophy 14:1, March 1986, pages 1-33.

Friday, June 12:

John Nemec, "The Two Pratyabhijñā Theories of Error", Journal of Indian Philosophy, 40:2, April 2012, pages


Isabelle Ratié, "A Śaiva Interpretation of the Satkāryavāda : The Sāṃkhya Notion of Abhivyakti and Its Transformation in the Pratyabhijñā Treatise", Journal of Indian Philosophy 42:1, March 2014, pages 127-172.

Week 6

Monday, June 15:

Natalia Isayeva, From Early Vedanta to Kashmir Shaivism: Gaudapada, Bhartrhari, and Abhinavagupta, (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995), pages ix-x & 1-49.

Tuesday, June 16:

Isayeva, From Early Vedanta to Kashmir Shaivism, pages 51-120.

Wednesday, June 17:

Isayeva, From Early Vedanta to Kashmir Shaivism, pages 121-188.

Thursday, June 18:

André Padoux, Vāc: The Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras, translated by Jacques Gontier, (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990), pages 1-85.

Friday, June 19:

Padoux, Vāc, pages 86-165.

Week 7

Monday, June 22:

Padoux, Vāc, pages 166-222.

Tuesday, June 23:

Padoux, Vāc, pages 223-329.

Wednesday, June 24:

Padoux, Vāc, pages 330-429.

Thursday, June 25:

P. K. Mukhopadhyaya, "Unity and Multiplicity: Reflections on Emanationism as a Philosophical Theme in the Context of Neoplatonism", Neoplatonism and Indian Philosophy, edited by Paulos Mar Gregorios, (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002), pages 97-106.

Lloyd P. Gerson, "Introduction", The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus, edited by Lloyd P. Gerson, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), pages 1-9.

Maria Luisa Gatti, "Plotinus: The Platonic Tradition and the Foundation of Neoplatonism", The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus, pages 10-37.

Friday, June 26:

John Bussanich, "Plotinus's Metaphysics of the One", The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus, pages, 38-65.

Dominic J. O'Meara, "The Hierarchical Ordering of Reality in Plotinus", The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus, pages 66-81

Henry J. Blumenthal, "On Soul and Intellect", The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus, pages, 83-104.

Week 8

Monday, June 29:

R. T. Wallis, Neoplatonism, second edition, (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1995), pages vii-xii & 1-47.

Tuesday, June 30:

Wallis, Neoplatonism, pages 47-93.

Wednesday, July 1:

Wallis, Neoplatonism, pages 94-137.

Thursday, July 2:

Wallis, Neoplatonism, pages 138-178.

Friday, July 3:

Pre-Indepence Day.

Week 9

Monday, July 6:

Pierre Hadot, Plotinus or The Simplicity of Vision, translated by Michael Chase, (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993, pages ix-xii & 1-63.

Tuesday, July 7:

Hadot, Plotinus, pages 64-113.

Wednesday, July 8:

Lloyd P. Gerson, Plotinus, (New York: Routledge, 1994), pages xiii-xviii & 3-64.

Thursday, July 9:

Gerson, Plotinus, pages 65-124.

Friday, July 10:

Donald L. Ross, "Thomizing Plotinus: A Critique of Professor Gerson", Phronesis 41:2, 1996, pages 197-204.

Brandon Zimmerman, "Does Plotinus Present a Philosophical Account of Creation?", The Review of Metaphysics 67:1, September 2013, pages 55-105.

Week 10

Monday, July 13:

Gerson, Plotinus, pages 127-163.

Tuesday, July 14:

Gerson, Plotinus, pages 164-202.

Wednesday, July 15:

Gerson, Plotinus, pages 203-226.

Thursday, July 16:

Bettina Bäumer, "The Play of Three Worlds: The Trika Concept of Līlā", The Gods at Play: Līlā in South Asia, edited by William S. Sax, New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, pages 35-49.

Jeffrey D. Finch, "Neo-Palamism, Divinizing Grace, and the Breach between East and West", Partakers of the Divine Nature: The History and Development of Deification in the Christian Traditions, edited by Michael J. Christensen and Jeffery A. Wittung, (Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2007), pages 233-249.

Friday, July 17:

Concluding discussion at Tandoor Indian Kitchen.


J. M. Fritzman

Department of Philosophy

Lewis & Clark College

0615 SW Palatine Hill Road

Portland, OR 97219-7899



503-768-7359 (fax)


Updated on 17 July 2015