
Mellon Faculty-Student Research Project

Summer 2014

Sepideh Bajracharya and J. M. Fritzman

Elizabeth Reynolds Growdon and Claire Elizabeth Hinkley

Eating the World: The Constitution of the Self in Ayurveda and Hegel

Week 1

Tuesday, May 27:

Preliminary discussion of faculty/student research project: Eating the World: The Constitution of the Self in Ayurveda.



Thursday, May 29:

Roland Barthes, "Towards a Psychosociology of Contemporary Food Consumption"

Claude Lévi-Strauss, "The Culinary Triangle"

Mary Douglas, "The Abominations of Leviticus"

Food and Culture: A Reader, third edition, edited by Carole Counihan and Penny Van Esterik, (New York: Routledge, 2013).

Week 2

Tuesday, June 3:

R. S. Khare, "Introduction" and "Food with Saints: An Aspect of Hindu Gastrosemantics"

David Gordon White, "You Are What You Eat: The Anomalous Status of Dog-Cookers in Hindu Mythology"

Vidyut Aklujkar, "Sharing the Divine Feast: Evolution of Food Metaphor in Marathi Sant Poetry"

Paul M. Toomey, "Mountain of Food, Mountain of Love: Ritual Inversion in the Annakuta Feast at Mount Govardhan"

The Eternal Food: Gastronomic Ideas and Experiences of Hindus and Buddhists, edited by R. S. Khare, (Albany: SUNY Press, 1992).

Thursday, June 5:

Manuel Moreno, "Pancamirtam: God's Washings as Food"

H. L. Seneviratne, "Food Essence and the Essence of Experience"

R. S. Khare, "Annambrahman: Cultural Models, Meanings, and Aesthetics of Hindu Food"

A. K. Ramanujan, "Food for Thought: Toward an Anthology of Food Images"

The Eternal Food: Gastronomic Ideas and Experiences of Hindus and Buddhists, edited by R. S. Khare, (Albany: SUNY Press, 1992).

Week 3

Tuesday, June 10:

Arjun Appadurai, "Gastro-Politics in Hindu South Asia"

American Ethnologist 8:3, August 1981, pages 494-511.

Jonathan Parry, "Death and Digestion: The Symbolism of Food and Eating in North Indian Mortuary Rites"

Man 20:4, December 1985, pages 612-630.

Thursday, June 12:

Joseph S. Alter, "Gandhi's Body, Gandhi's Truth: Nonviolence and the Biomoral Imperative of Public Health"

The Journal of Asian Studies, 55:2, May 1996, pages 301-322.

Joseph S. Alter, "Heaps of Health, Metaphysical Fitness: Ayurveda and the Ontology of Good Health in Medical Anthropology"

Current Anthropology 40, Supplement, February 1999, S43-S66.

Zimmerman, "The Scholar, the Wise Man, and Universals: Three Aspects of Ayurvedic Medicine"

Donald G. Bates, Knowledge and the Scholarly Medical Traditions, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995).

Week 4

Wednesday, June 18:

"Michel Foucault"

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

"On the Genealogy of Ethics: An Overview of Work in Progress"

"The Ethics of the Concern of the Self as a Practice of Freedom"

Michel Foucault, Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth, translated by Robert Hurley et al., (New York: The New Press, 1998).

Margaret Trawick, "Writing the Body and Ruling the Land: Western Reflections on Chinese and Indian Medicine"

Lawrence Cohen, "The Epistemological Carnival: Meditations on Disciplinary Intentionality and Ayurveda"

Donald G. Bates, Knowledge and the Scholarly Medical Traditions, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995).

Thursday, June 19:

Jean Langford, Fluent Bodies: Ayurvedic Remedies for Postcolonial Imbalance, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002), pages 1-96.

Week 5

Tuesday, June 24:

Jean Langford, Fluent Bodies: Ayurvedic Remedies for Postcolonial Imbalance, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002), pages 97-187.

Thursday, June 26:

Jean Langford, Fluent Bodies: Ayurvedic Remedies for Postcolonial Imbalance, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002), pages 188-272.

Week 6

Tuesday, July 1:

J. M. Fritzman and Kristin Parvizian, "The Extended Mind Rehabilitates the Metaphysical Hegel"

Metaphilosophy 43:5, October 2012, pages 636-658.

J. M. Fritzman and Kristin Parvizian, "Hegel’s Geist -- Immodestly Metaphysical!"

The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism, edited by Matthew Altman, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan; forthcoming).

Thursday, July 3:

Judith Farquhar, Appetites: Food and Sex in Postsocialist China, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002), pages 1-119.

Week 7

Tuesday, July 8:

Judith Farquhar, Appetites: Food and Sex in Postsocialist China, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002), pages 123-209.

Thursday, July 10:

Arjun Appadurai, "Commodities and the Politics of Value"

The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, (New York: Cambridge University Press 1986), pages 3-63.

Week 8

Tuesday, July 15:

Jane Bennett, The Enchantment of Modern Life: Attachments, Crossings, and Ethics, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001), pages 1-90.

Thursday, July 17:

Jane Bennett, The Enchantment of Modern Life: Attachments, Crossings, and Ethics, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001), pages 91-170.

Week 9

Tuesday, July 22:

Gilles Deleuze, "Body, Meat, and Spirit: Becoming-Animal"

Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2004).

Thursday, July 24:

Ben Highmore, "Bitter After Taste: Affect, Food, and Social Aesthetics"

The Affect Theory Reader, edited by Melissa Gregg and Gregory J Seigworth, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2010).

Week 10

Thursday, July 31:

Veena Das, Michael Jackson, Arthur Kleinman, and Bhrigupati Singh, "Introduction: Experiments between Anthropology and Philosophy: Affinities and Antagonisms"

Bhrigupati Singh, "How Concepts Make the World Look Different: Affirmative and Negative Genealogies of Thought"

Michael Pruett, "Ritual Disjunctions: Ghosts, Philosophy, and Anthropology"

The Ground Between: Anthropologist Engage Philosophy, edited by Veena Das, Michael D. Jackson, Arthur Kleinman, and Bhrigupati Singh, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2014).

Friday, August 1:

Steven C. Caton, "Henri Bergson in Highland Yemen"

Vincent Crapanzano, "Must We Be Bad Epistemologists? Illusions of Transparency, the Opaque Other, and Interpretive Foibles"

The Ground Between: Anthropologist Engage Philosophy, edited by Veena Das, Michael D. Jackson, Arthur Kleinman, and Bhrigupati Singh, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2014).


J. M. Fritzman

Department of Philosophy

Lewis & Clark College

0615 SW Palatine Hill Road

Portland, OR 97219-7899



503-768-7359 (fax)


Updated on 28 July 2014