
Faculty/Student Collaborative Research Project

Summer 2013

J. M. Fritzman / Samantha Park Alibrando, Sarah Marchand Lomas, and McKenzie Judith Southworth

A Mantra for Hegel? Kaśmiri Śaivism and Hegel on Language

Week 1

Monday, May 13:

Preliminary discussion of faculty/student collaborative research project:

A Mantra for Hegel? Kaśmiri Śaivism and Hegel on Language.

Tuesday, May 14:

David Peter Lawrence, "Kashmiri Shaiva Philosophy", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Paul Redding, "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Ronnie Littlejohn, "Comparative Philosophy", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Wednesday, May 15:

Gina Altamura and J. M. Fritzman, "Hegel's Pyjamas: Refashioning World History in Light of Postcolonial Criticism", Philosophical Frontiers, edited by Richard H. Corrigan and Mary E. Farrell, (Progressive Frontiers Press, 2009), pages 91-120.

Katherine Elise Barhydt and J. M. Fritzman, "German Idealism Meets Indian Vedānta (and Kaśmiri Śaivism): A Comparison of Schelling and Hegel with Śaṅkara and Rāmānuja (Plus Abhinavagupta)", Comparative Philosophy 4:2, July 2013; forthcoming.

J. M. Fritzman, Sarah Ann Lowenstein, and Meredith Margaret Nelson, "Kaśmir to Prussia, Round Trip: A Comparison of Monistic Śaivism and Hegel", unpublished manuscript.

Thursday, May 16:

Michael P. Wolf, "Philosophy of Language", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Jere Paul O'Neill Surber, “The Problems of Language in German Idealism: An Historical and Conceptual Overview,” Phenomenology on Kant, German Idealism, Hermeneutics and Logic: Philisophical Essays in Honor of Thomas M. Seebohm, edited by O. K. Wiegand et al., (Kluwer, 2000), pages 305-336.

Jere Paul O'Neill Surber, "Hegel's Philosophy of Language: The Unwritten Volume," A Companion to Hegel, edited by Stephen Houlgate and Michael Baur, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), pages 243-261.

Friday, May 17:

Michael N. Forster, After Herder: Philosophy of Language in the German Tradition, (Oxford University Press, 2010), pages 1-90.

Week 2

Monday, May 20:

Forster, After Herder, pages 91-198.

Tuesday, May 21:

Forster, After Herder, pages 199-300.

Wednesday, May 22:

Forster, After Herder, pages 301-390.

Thursday, May 23

Forster, After Herder, pages 391-468.

Friday, May 24:

Michael N. Forster, German Philosophy of Language: From Schlegel to Hegel and Beyond, (Oxford University Press, 2011), pages 1-79.

Week 3

Monday, May 27:

Memorial Day.

Tuesday, May 28:

Forster, German Philosophy of Language, pages 83-177.

Wednesday, May 29:

Forster, German Philosophy of Language, pages 178-250.

Thursday, May 30:

Forster, German Philosophy of Language, pages 253-332.

Friday, May 31:

Hegel and Language, edited by Jere Paul O'Neill Surber, (SUNY Press, 2006), pages 1-91.

Week 4

Monday, June 3:

Hegel and Language, pages 95-141.

Tuesday, June 4:

Hegel and Language, pages 145-195.

Wednesday, June 5:

Hegel and Language, pages 199-248.

Thursday, June 6:

Daniel Cook, Language in the Philosophy of Hegel, (The Hague, 1973), pages 11-97.

Friday, June 7:

Cook, Language in the Philosophy of Hegel, pages 101-189.

Week 5

Monday, June 10

David Lamb, Language and Perception in Hegel and Wittgenstein, (St. Martin's Press, 1979), pages xi-xiii & 1-73.

Tuesday, June 11:

Lamb, Language and Perception in Hegel and Wittgenstein, pages 74-130.

Georg Hegel, "Psychology", Philosophy of Mind.

Wednesday, June 12:

Jim Vernon, Hegel's Philosophy of Language, (Continuum, 2007), pages 1-81.

Thursday, June 13:

Vernon, Hegel's Philosophy of Language, pages 82-133.

Georg Hegel, "On Classical Studies", translated by Richard Kroner, Early Theological Writings, (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981), pages 321-330.

Friday, June 14:

John McCumber, The Company of Words: Hegel, Language, and Systematic Philosophy, (Northwestern University Press, 1993), pages 1-90.

Week 6

Monday, June 17:

McCumber, The Company of Words, pages 91-178.

Tuesday, June 18:

McCumber, The Company of Words, pages 179-277.

Wednesday, June 19:

McCumber, The Company of Words, pages 279-345.

Thursday, June 20:

Mark Siderits, Indian Philosophy of Language, (Kluwer, 1991), pages 3-110.

Friday, June 21:

Siderits, Indian Philosophy of Language, pages 111-185.

Week 7

Monday, June 24:

Harold G. Coward and David J. Goa, Mantra: Hearing the Divine In India and America, second edition, (Columbia University Press, 2004), pages 1-49.

J. Gonda, "The Indian Mantra", Selected Studies, Volume 4: History of Ancient Indian Religion, (E. J. Brill, 1975), pages 248-301.

Tuesday, June 25:

Harvey P. Alter, editor, Understanding Mantras, (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989), pages 1-47.

Frits J. Staal, "Mantras and Bird Songs", Journal of the American Oriental Society 105:3, 1985, pages 549-558.

Alter, Understanding Mantras, pages 48-95.

Wednesday, June 26:

Alter, Understanding Mantras, pages 96-203.

Thursday, June 27:

Alter, Understanding Mantras, pages 204-318.

Friday, June 28:

Alter, Understanding Mantras, pages 327-443.

Week 8

Monday, July 1:

André Padoux, Vāc: The Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras, translated by Jacques Gontier, (Sri Satguru Publications, 2002), pages 1-85.

Tuesday, July 2:

Padoux, Vāc, pages 86-222.

Wednesday, July 3:

Padoux, Vāc, pages 223-329.

Thursday, July 4:

Independence Day.

Friday, July 5:

Post-Indepence Day.

Week 9

Monday, July 8:

Padoux, Vāc, pages 330-429.

Tuesday, July 9:

André Padoux, Tantric Mantras: Studies on Mantrasastra, (Routledge, 2011), pages 1-94.

Wednesday, July 10:

Padoux, Tantric Mantras, pages 95-122

Edwin Gerow, "What is Karma (Kim Karmeti): An Exercise in Philosophical Semantics", Indologica Taurinensia 10, 1982, pages 87-116.

David Peter Lawrence, "The Mythico-Ritual Syntax of Omnipotence", Philosophy East and West 48:4, 1998, pages 592-622.

David Peter Lawrence, "Abhinavagupta's Philosophical Hermeneutics of Grammatical Persons", Journal of Hindu Studies 1, 2008, pages 11-25.

Thursday, July 11:

Jonardon Ganeri, Semantic Powers: Meaning and the Means of Knowing in Classical Indian Philosophy, (Oxford University Press, 1999), pages 1-81.

Friday, July 12:

Ganeri, Semantic Powers, pages 83-182.

Week 10

Monday, July 15:

Ganeri, Semantic Powers, pages 183-244.

Tuesday, July 16:

Michael Witzel, "The Kashmiri Pandits: Their Early History", The Valley of Kashmir: The Making and Unmaking of a Composite Culture?, edited by Aparna Rao, (Manohar Publishers, 2008), pages 37-95.

Wednesday, July 17:

"Language" in Indian Philosophy and Religion, edited by Harold G. Coward, (Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion, 1978), pages 5-42.

Bettina Bäumer, "The Three Grammatical Persons and Trika", Linguistic Traditions of Kashmir: Essays in Memory of Pandit Dinanath Yaksha, edited by Mrinal Kaul and Ashok Aklujkar, (D. K. Printworld, 2008), pages 206-221.

Thursday, July 18:

John Brough, Collected Papers, edited by Minoru Hara and J. C. Wright, (School of Oriental and African Studies, 1996), pages 79-97, 114-129, and 186-202.

Friday, July 19:

Concluding discussion at Tandoor Indian Kitchen.


J. M. Fritzman

Department of Philosophy

Lewis & Clark College

0615 SW Palatine Hill Road

Portland, OR 97219-7899



503-768-7359 (fax)


Updated on 16 July 2013