
Faculty/Student Collaborative Research Project

Summer 2012

J. M. Fritzman, Sarah Ann Lowenstein,

and Meredith Margaret Nelson

Hegel in Kaśmir: A Comparison of the

Philosophies of Hegel and Śaivism

Week 1

Monday, May 7: Pedagogy Workshop.

"Indian Philosophy", Wikipedia.

"Hindu Philosophy", Wikipedia.

Shyam Ranganathan, "Hindu Philosophy", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

"Shiva", Wikipedia.

"Shaivism", Wikipedia.

"History of Shaivism", Wikipedia.

Tuesday, May 8: Pedagogy Workshop.

"Tantra", Wikipedia.

"Kashmir Shaivism", Wikipedia.

"Trika", Wikipedia.

"Kaula", Wikipedia.

"Shaktipat", Wikipedia.

"Abhinavagupta", Wikipedia.

Wednesday, May 9:

Preliminary discussion of faculty/student collaborative research project:

Hegel in Kaśmir: A Comparison of the Philosophies of Hegel and Śaivism.

Ronnie Littlejohn, "Comparative Philosophy", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by James Fieser and Bradley Dowden.

Gina Altamura and J. M. Fritzman, "Hegel's Pyjamas: Refashioning World History in Light of Postcolonial Criticism, " Philosophical Frontiers, edited by Richard H. Corrigan and Mary E. Farrell, (Progressive Frontiers Press, 2009), pages 91-120.

Katherine Elise Barhydt and J. M. Fritzman, "German Idealism Meets Indian Vedānta (and Kaśmiri Śaivism): A Comparison of Schelling and Hegel with Śaṅkara and Rāmānuja (Plus Abhinavagupta)," unpublished manuscript.

Thursday, May 10:

David Peter Lawrence, "Kashmiri Shaiva Philosophy", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Gavin Flood, "The Śaiva Traditions", The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism, edited by Gavin Flood, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2003), pages 200-228.

Christopher Bartley, An Introduction to Indian Philosophy, (London: Continuum, 2011), pages 193-234.

Friday, May 11:

Alexis Sanderson, "The Hinduism of Kashmir", Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Volume One: Regions, Pilgrimage, Deities, edited by Knut A. Jacobsen. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009, [Handbuch der Orientalistik. Zweite Abteilung, Indien, vol. 22]), pages 99–126.

Alexis Sanderson, "Purity and Power Among the Śivas of Kashmir", The Category of the Person: Anthropology, Philosophy, History, Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins and Steven Lukes, eds., (Cambridge UP, 1985), 190-216.

Alexis Sanderson, "Śaivism and the Tantric Traditions", The World's Religions: The Religions of Asia, F. Hardy, ed., (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1990), pages 128-172.

Week 2

Monday, May 14:

Alexis Sanderson, "Swami Lakshman Joo and His Place in the Kashmirian Śaiva Tradition", Samvidullāsah, Bettina Bäumer and Sarla Kumar, eds., (D. K. Printworld, 2007), pages 93–126.

Alexis Sanderson, "The Śaiva Exegesis of Kashmir," Mélanges tantriques à la mémoire d'Hélène Brunner, Dominic Goodall and André Padoux, eds., (Institut français d'Indologie, 2007), pages 231–442 & 551–582.

Tuesday, May 15:

Alexis Sanderson, "The Śaiva Age: The Rise and Dominance of Śaivism during the Early Medieval Period", Genesis and Development of Tantrism, Shingo Einoo, ed., (Institute of Oriental Culture, 2009), pages 41-349.

Wednesday, May 16:

Mark S. G. Dyczkowski, The Doctrine of Vibration: An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices of Kashmir Shaivism, (SUNY Press, 1987), pages 1-57.

Thursday, May 17:

Dyczkowski, The Doctrine of Vibration, pages 59-98.

Friday, May 18:

Dyczkowski, The Doctrine of Vibration, pages 99-162.

Week 3

Monday, May 21:

Dyczkowski, The Doctrine of Vibration, pages 163-218.

Tuesday, May 22:

Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega, The Triadic Heart of Siva: Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmir, (SUNY Press, 1988), pages 1-63.

Wednesday, May 23:

Muller-Ortega, The Triadic Heart of Siva, pages 64-117.

Thursday, May 24:

Muller-Ortega, The Triadic Heart of Siva, pages 118-181.

Friday, May 25:

Muller-Ortega, The Triadic Heart of Siva, pages 182-232.

Week 4

Monday, May 28:

Memorial Day.

Tuesday, May 29:

David Peter Lawrence, Rediscovering God with Transcendental Argument: A Contemporary Interpretation of Monistic Kashmiri Shaiva Philosophy, (SUNY Press, 1999), pages 1-65.

Wednesday, May 30:

Lawrence, Rediscovering God with Transcendental Argument, pages 67-132.

Thursday, May 31:

Lawrence, Rediscovering God with Transcendental Argument, pages 133-170.

Friday, June 1:

David Peter Lawrence, "Aspects of Abhinavagupta’s Theory of Scripture”, Polylog 4, 2003.

David Peter Lawrence, "Remarks on Abhinavagupta's Use of the Analogy of Reflection", Journal of Indian Philosophy 33:5-6, December 2005, 583-599.

David Peter Lawrence, "Abhinavagupta's Philosophical Hermeneutics of Grammatical Persons", Journal of Hindu Studies1:1-2, October 2008, pages 11-25.

David Peter Lawrence, "Proof of a Sentient Knower: Utpaladeva'sAjaḍapramātṛsiddhi with the Vṛtti of Harabhatta Shastri", Journal of Indian Philosophy 37:6, December 2009, pages 627-653.

Week 5

Monday, June 4:

Isabelle Ratié, "Otherness in the Pratyabhijñā Philosophy", Journal of Indian Philosophy 35:4, 2007, pages 313-370.

Isabelle Ratié, "Remarks on Compassion and Altruism in the Pratyabhijñā Philosophy", Journal of Indian Philosophy 37:4, 2009, pages 349-366.

Isabelle Ratié, "'A Five-Trunked, Four-Tusked Elephant is Running in the Sky' -- How Free is Imagination According to Utpaladeva and Abhinavagupta?", Asiatische Studien Études Asiatiques, 64:2, 2010, pages 341-385.

Tuesday, June 5:

Isabelle Ratié, "The Dreamer and the Yogin: On the Relationship between Buddhist and Śaiva Idealisms", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 73:3, October 2010, pages 437-478.

Isabelle Ratié, "Can One Prove that Something Exists Beyond Consciousness? A Śaiva Criticism of the Sautrāntika Inference of External Objects", Journal of Indian Philosophy 39:4-5, 2011, pages 479-501.

Raffaele Torella, "How Is Verbal Signification Possible: Understanding Abhinavagupta's Reply", Journal of Indian Philosophy 32:2-3, June 2004, 173-188.

Wednesday, June 6:

Mark S. G. Dyczkowski, The Aphorisms of Siva: The Siva Sutra with Bhaskara's Commentary, the Varttika, (SUNY Press, 1992), pages 1-64.

Thursday, June 7:

Dyczkowski, The Aphorisms of Siva, pages 65-125.

Friday, June 8:

Dyczkowski, The Aphorisms of Siva, pages 125-186.

Week 6

Monday, June 11:

Jaideva Singh, tran., Shiva Sūtras: The Yoga of Supreme Identity; Text of the Sūtras and the Commentary Vimarshinī of Kshemarāja, (Motilal Banarsidass, 1979), pages vii-lxvi & 1-47.

Tuesday, June 12:

Singh, Shiva Sūtras, pages 47-146.

Wednesday, June 13:

Singh, Shiva Sūtras, pages 146-234.

Thursday, June 14:

Mark S. G. Dyczkowski, tran., The Stanzas on Vibration, (SUNY Press, 1992), pages 1-58.

Friday, June 15:

Dyczkowski, The Stanzas on Vibration, pages 61-106.

Week 7

Monday, June 18:

Dyczkowski, The Stanzas on Vibration, pages 106-159.

Tuesday, June 19:

Dyczkowski, The Stanzas on Vibration, pages 159-201.

Wednesday, June 20:

Dyczkowski, The Stanzas on Vibration, pages 201-265.

Thursday, June 21:

Dyczkowski, The Stanzas on Vibration, pages 269-281.

Friday, June 22:

Abner Shimony, "Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics", The New Physics, edited by Paul Davies, (Cambridge University Press, 1989), pages 373-395.

Week 8

Monday, June 25:

John Nemec, The Ubiquitous Siva: Somananda's Sivadrsti and His Tantric Interlocutors, (Oxford University Press, 2011), pages 1-50.

Tuesday, June 26:

Nemec, The Ubiquitous Siva, pages 51-95.

Wednesday, June 27:

Nemec, The Ubiquitous Siva, pages 99-272.

Thursday, June 28:

Raffaele Torella, tran., "Introduction", The Īshvarapratyabhijnākārikā of Utpaladeva with the Author's Vritti, (Motilal Banarsidass, 2002), pages ix-xlv.

Jaideva Singh, tran., Pratyabhijnāhridayam: The Secret of Self-Recognition, (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1980), pages 1-43.

Friday, June 29:

Singh, Pratyabhijnāhridayam, pages 45-115.

Week 9

Monday, July 2:

David Peter Lawrence, The Teachings of the Odd-Eyed One: A Study and Translation of the Virupaksapancasika, With the Commentary of Vidyacakravartin, (SUNY Press, 2008), pages 1-130.

Tuesday, July 3:

Concluding discussion at Tandoor Indian Kitchen.


J. M. Fritzman

Department of Philosophy

Lewis & Clark College

0615 SW Palatine Hill Road

Portland, OR 97219-7899



503-768-7359 (fax)


Updated on 2 July 2012